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    NESA website placeholder for 2023 HSC exams

    Heck no- I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that and that it’s not up:angel:
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    Don't know which to drop, Business or Design and Technology

    I recommend dropping the subject you enjoy least simply because you are less likely to lose motivation
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    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    pls just no long response on history stuff I’ll actually cry😿
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Nesa is probably going all out this yr considering last yr’s exam was quite easy:lol::cry:
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    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Anything long response ngl
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    Maths Extension 2 Predictions/Thoughts

    Watch them do a wacky strong induction question with some random probability thing for q16…Since we haven’t seen strong induction in a while :)
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    hsc subject selection

    I think this decision also depends on whether you enjoy maths or chemistry more, as this will significantly affect you especially during trials and HSC periods. From experience, both subjects require high levels of consistency throughout the whole of year 12 and intensive levels of dedication...
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    Paper 1

    Fr I had a panic attack when I saw the buzzing bees and apricots… last poem is more delusional than me