mychonny, nigahiga, thewinekone, pyrobooby (Peter Chao), collegehumor (POV videos and We Didn't Start the Flame War), Yugioh Abridged Series (as said by someone earlier), smosh, HouseholdHacker, kevjumba, failblog, MysteryGuitarMan.
Beliefs ---> way of life. The way of life doesn't exist without the beliefs.
You believe in it because someone told you it.
Secular Humanism has also not only promoted women and children's rights, but EVERYONE's rights. What makes Christianity more valid than that?
People are the carriers...
Every time a Dane is happy, they press a button. This sends out a signal to Oprah, the goddess of statistics, who then compiles all the button pressing into an unknown percentage, compares it to other nations, and blurts the qualitative results out on TV to her millions of followers.