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  1. J

    Atar to tutor?

    anything above 69.90
  2. J

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Everyone is. I highly recommend we all mmmmm yummy, puts me right to sleep 🤤
  3. J

    Who's doing an all nighter for results today?

    I think we might know why he didn't make the band 6's list. I've never been a dickhead on BOS per se, but this honestly has grinded me down like the cartilage in the knees of a 90 year old arthritis patient.
  4. J

    Who's doing an all nighter for results today?

    For the love of god, stop asking the same question. These are the only possibilities, and theres nothing else: 1. You over-estimated your abilities, and just shat the bed during the hsc, as such you didnt receive the expected band 6's. (most likely option). Considering your comprehension...
  5. J

    2021 ATAR/HSC Marks

    I can stand witness. I was the atar.
  6. J

    Leaked DA Role

    Aight. Good luck mate 👍🏽
  7. J

    Leaked DA Role

    Just explain to me why they would chose 2021 to be the first year, out of the last about 40 years, to randomly put out only external examination marks as the honours list?
  8. J

    Leaked DA Role

    I'm happy to bet 100 bucks that if your name isnt there, it wont magically be there tomorrow, and if it is, it will remain there tomorrow. (Obviously if your last name wasn't properly uploaded, like last name L's). Actually nah, make it 500 bucks. Imma just encourage you to maybe have a box...
  9. J

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Depends what you mean by safe, and what you mean by screwed up. Could be a scenario where the highest external mark is 60, and you've screwed up and gotten a 54, then your final HSC mark is gonna be (60+54)/2, being 57. Or highest external is 100, you've screwed up and gotten a 54 again, then...
  10. J

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Think about the predominant letter that the last names of Ruse kids begins with. Then recall that the list is missing L's.
  11. J

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    I was joking. Starting to suspect you've been trolling, I've been gotted bad 😔 rip
  12. J

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Lets just, let him have this one, guess he'll find out the harsh way (although i kinda hope not cuz the dude seems proper stressed about it, i'm praying they exclusively forgot to put his name down for all his b6's) After all, it could even be based off raw marks as suggested on the hsc...
  13. J

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Damn for your sake and persistence, i hope they were just external marks too lmao
  14. J

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    For K's and L's and a few of the last few letters of the alphabet they sure haven't. As for most of the other surnames, it looks pretty done to me.
  15. J

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Dude you just asked this very question last night. No. The answer is no. The honour list has never been made up of 'just external marks' that makes no sense. The literal purpose of the honour list is to show which students received a band 6 as their final HSC mark. If you don't already know...
  16. J

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    600 is rookie numbers for ruse. If they'd only gotten that many in 2021, bruh i fear for the 2022 cohort. They'd be locked up in dungeons with stacks of books, pens and textbooks, never allowed to see daylight until the hsc exams are done. Only if they get 1000 b6's will they be allowed free.
  17. J

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    damn yall really kicking man whilst he's down hey?
  18. J

    HONOUR ROLL Out Early??

    Sorry to break it to you dude, but either you or your cohort didnt do as well as you had expected in the actual exams.