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  1. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    It was all maths lol, i loved it
  2. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    It was hard, but if youve done 2020 it wasnt a curveball, pretty similar in terms of the types of questions. Altho it was a bit of a pisstake with module 8, and 7. The whole exam was just mod 5 and 6 having a baby.
  3. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    ahaha, i reckon that was about as bad as last years
  4. J

    Ranking the Hardest x2 Papers in the last 10 years

    I think the bias might be there. I feel like 2017 nips ahead of 2021 for me, and what about 2010 darkhorse O_O. Edit lets just make this 10 years instead so that most of us can actually contribute
  5. J

    Ranking the Hardest x2 Papers in the last 10 years

    As the title suggests including this years. (we all know where 2020 belongs tho lol)
  6. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    What 4+ marker questions do we reckon are gonna pop up this year? I reckon at least a Cycad 4 marker, and something about hydrocarbons and environment.
  7. J

    Physics HSC Predictions/Thoughts

    I personally reckon 84-86 for b6
  8. J

    Math Advanced Prediction/Thoughts

    extension 2 has also tended to be around 98 even for the previous syllabus. I've got a tutor who knows she got over 96 in x2 raw, but got an hsc mark of 99.
  9. J

    Math Advanced Prediction/Thoughts

    For a math advanced?? Nah no way a raw 93-94 goes to 100. That much in x2 wouldnt go to a 100. But something around 97-98 seems a bit more appropriate. Historically, adv, x1 and x2, maths have all required 97-100 raw to get 100, it just is a subject where a fair few people have been able to do...
  10. J

    Football discussion thread

    Id have to agree with this, really dont think its appropriate to be crossing off man utd for 4th this early. Still 26 games to go lol. Just look at last season, Man City after 12 games were 9th or smthn, albeit 6 points off the top (rn utd are 8th being 12 points off), but in this comparison man...
  11. J

    What maths should I be taking with physics?

    Wonderful thing here is that you're in year 10. I personally would say take extension 1 and try your best to keep on top of things. Study 45-1.5 hrs of maths a day and see how youre coping with x1. If it becomes too much after say a term / 2 terms then just drop down to adv maths. By this stage...
  12. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    mod 8 really does suck. Just gimme le chat, heaps of mod 6 calcs, and plenty of chemical/structural elucidation 😍
  13. J

    Chemistry Exam Predictions/Thoughts

    I hope to goodness, theres heaps of calcs, i honestly love chem calcs.
  14. J

    Feeling Guilty for Being Selfish

    This thread addresses something very innate about ourselves in relation to our personal motivations. You love to see it lol
  15. J

    Feeling Guilty for Being Selfish

    You can always be that kid who says they indeed are trash, but manages to achieve highly ;) Or, help them, say you do indeed rank above them in the end. If they were, as you say, brighter than you but because they didnt have accecss to the things you did they didnt fulfil their potential and so...
  16. J

    related texts for the crucible - conformity and social status

    Although not related to your question, that thesis sounds clunky, I'm not really understanding too much, and if a marker is skimming that, good luck getting the message across. Try something like: The detrimental repercussions of societal conformity, promulgated through a...
  17. J

    Math Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    im sure itll be fine. Slope fields just have to be fulfilled in those regions where it shows those specific gradients. Tehcnically, you could have a total spazm in the middle of 2 of the dash's, and it 'technically' be correct.(cuz if they havnt given you a specific formula, then who knows what...
  18. J

    Math Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    imho, worse, unless a lot of people around the state were just like me and didnt know how to read lol. Thought that paper was pretty free until the very last question pretty much, and q10 a little bitta thinking. 4u and Adv will 100% scale better, i did 2u last year and that was an absolute...
  19. J

    Math Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    Your following comment "the exam was kinda simple" makes me say this ahaha, think we're on the same page here. Not only ruse, but practically 90% of all selective schools, hell, anyone good at x1 (who cares enough to read the question properly lol), is gonna get a raw 68+/70 in this.
  20. J

    Math Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    Bruh, same fr fr. the very last question, i had everything pretty much set up correctly, and then just thought to myself "nah nup nope, you're not getting this". Same for the population of deer question, everything set up perfectly, just thought nah, had to just sub 1 number in to get the answer...