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  1. L

    BSB number

    Hello. I was looking for the BSB number of St George bank in kogarah, on montgomery street, but cannot find on their website. I look on this other site,, however, it displayed quite a few numbers, showing interest, merchant, limted... etc. I dont know which one it...
  2. L

    Quick Complex Numbers Q

    That require 3unit trig functions rite? If we dont have it we cannot do it?
  3. L

    Two Double Bonds within Cyclo Hexane

    What would be its name? I.e. a benzene ring minus one double bond.
  4. L

    Quick Complex Numbers Q

    oo, nvm. Thxs for that. I was thinking graphically about a //gram. And i must admit, that algebric way is very elegant. Very nicely done study-freak.
  5. L

    Quick Complex Numbers Q

    Would that method be completely right? Because if z1=kiz2, then the length would be changed. i.e. if z1=2iz2, then mod z1 =/ mod z2. Wouldnt it be right algebracally to take both cases, of positive and negative?
  6. L

    batteries ???

    I dunno if thats in the syllabus or not. There are certainly recent developments of biopolymers, but not sure about batteries. But the best source of info would be UoW. App they are world leaders in battery work.
  7. L

    complex stuff

    I think its from Terry Lee's book? Unless im mistaken.
  8. L

    De Moivre's Theorem

    I mean, how do you know to times say (1+w) and (1+2w) where say sub w=1 or smthing? or w= -1-w^2??
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    How do you get from 4th last step to 3rd last step??
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    complex stuff

    Yeas how how?? Teach us!!
  11. L

    De Moivre's Theorem

    General question in this form. w is a non real cube root of 1. Show that (1+w)(1+2w)(1+3w)(1+5w) = 21. What is your process of solving this kind of quesitons? Since there are so many answers, i.e. so many types of subsitutions to make?
  12. L

    all men watch porn

    Rather be immature than bitchy!! na jks jks. The above posts in no way represent our gender.
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    left behind

  14. L

    We love eachother, but cant be together

    Is your bf 10 yrs older than you? If not then gl and all the best.
  15. L

    Copenhagen retards

    Your just pissed cause you got yelled at. But it hasnt even really started yet, so why lose so hope so early?
  16. L

    man injects HIV positive blood into wife

    There is also a conflict in perspective. But moreover, the moral deliema of withholding sex is a characteristic of society in time.
  17. L

    Sequence and SEries Help

    Yea mabey. THe wording isnt thata good i recon. BTW, if your not busy, help me with my locus q.
  18. L

    Complex locus help

    It can be done graphically, where two circles are drawn. The angle subtending at the circle = 1/2 the angle subtending at the centre. Hence, trignometric solving of radius + centre can be done.
  19. L

    Trig Help!!

    O thanks very much.... Brain isnt working today.
  20. L

    Trig Help!!

    Theyve got 4-2sqrt2