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  1. myafanatic

    4025808's rawrrrr marks :)

    Heya, would you be able to upload one of the pdfs of the raw marks? I'm trying to decide whether or not to get them so I wanna know what they're like! Congrats on your great marks. :)
  2. myafanatic

    Students ditching science in droves

    I don't understand the whole "science is being neglected" argument when Biology, Phys and Chem are all some of the most taken courses in the HSC, with around 10000+ in the candidature for the latter two and 15000 for Bio. Social sciences are a different story though - Geography has less than...
  3. myafanatic

    How much work did you put in for HSC

    In all honesty, not a lot. I didn't write practice essays for anything except English (and only 1 for each module) and didn't do any past papers for anything other than maths and multiple choice in other subjects. Apart from that the bulk of my study was on maths because I enjoyed it. For me, it...
  4. myafanatic

    What Sub didnt count?

    Maths Extension 1 (47) and Extension History (49). I'm kind of annoyed for some reason haha.
  5. myafanatic

    Who got 99+ and is genuinely surprised?

    I was way surprised! After my results I expected like 99.8 but before them I was thinking 99 was almost impossible.
  6. myafanatic

    First in Course List

    And I got 97 moderated this year and came 2nd in Geo if that helps at all!
  7. myafanatic

    Share your 2011 ATAR here

    99.90! 2nd in Geography, 14th in English Advanced, so happy!!!
  8. myafanatic

    Share your 2011 HSC results here

    English Advanced - 98 Ancient History - 97 Geography - 97 Mathematics - 96 Economics - 94 Mathematics Ext 1 - 47/50 History Extension - 49/50 So pleased, hoping for state ranks in English and geography!
  9. myafanatic

    Assessment ranks are in!

    I was so surprised by MX1 - I tied first with a couple of others but it still looks pretty. :D
  10. myafanatic

    2011 - HSC difficulty.

    What I noticed about this year's exams is that they were harder for the reason that they seemed to want you to think more; there was less "here's a syllabus dot point, enjoy" and more "here's something that isn't particularly hard but you won't have seen it before". Also, the tests seemed to...
  11. myafanatic

    General Thoughts: History Ext

    Loooved Question 1 - it was kinda different so it allowed you to be a bit creative. I talked about Herodotus, Bede, Ranke, Renaissance historians (Machiavelli), Martin Bernal, Carr and Elton. Question 2 was shit for the crusades - not pleased haha but I think I got through it okay.
  12. myafanatic

    Multiple Choice

    If you guys have the paper could you take photos of the MC section and upload? Thanks :)
  13. myafanatic

    Damn! no mega cities////Cut offs?

    Hahahaha 87!? Are you kidding me? That was a) a pretty hard test with a very narrow focus and b) a cutoff of 87 is so super high!
  14. myafanatic

    Question 21c and Scaling for Eco 2008

    Sorry for intererting you man.
  15. myafanatic

    Question 21c and Scaling for Eco 2008

    I'm sure they will allow either. The question was fairly broad - how did the country respond to the international business cycle, so it didn't stipulate either way - so you could answer it in terms of integration or counter-cyclical policies. Your teacher is very likely wrong. The BoS won't...
  16. myafanatic


    I don't think the difficulty of the essay questions for economics really changes much from year to year; it's just about personal strengths. For example, Topic 4 was my worst and so I didn't like the essays, but I love protection and environment, so I would have loved last years paper. This...
  17. myafanatic

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Your reasoning is correct but the sale of govt securities decreases the money supply, because the RBA is selling the securities and collecting the money (taking it out of the money supply), increasing the cash rate. You're right about Q17 BTW, I can't believe I got that wrong, urghhh! It's in...
  18. myafanatic

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Could someone explain why Q17 would be D? I'm at a loss here
  19. myafanatic

    Fiscal policy!!

    Holy crap dude, how many words do you write a line?! And out of curiosity, what was the breakdown of your raw marks?
  20. myafanatic

    Predictions for eco results

    Hahaha we'll see! I got 95 in trials with HSC markers so I'd be disappointed with anything lower than a B6! I hope you did well too :)