Search results

  1. ebbygoo

    School Laptop, Tablet or Chromebook?

    Only thing here will be the ~$1800 price tag I assume
  2. ebbygoo

    School Laptop, Tablet or Chromebook?

    You could always go for a surface
  3. ebbygoo

    School Laptop, Tablet or Chromebook?

    11" MBA can't go wrong. Take mine everyday and love it.
  4. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread

    We'll always love you Never betray you COYW <3
  5. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread

    Only. 14. Hours. To. Go.
  6. ebbygoo

    Year 11 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Only. 14. Hours. To. Go.
  7. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread

    Hope so lol
  8. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread

    Ill think of you
  9. ebbygoo

    What are you going to do the moment you finish your HSC ?

    Go home. Play league. Sleep. Repeat.
  10. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread

  11. ebbygoo

    Physics Definitions

    I'd say 4th or 5th one
  12. ebbygoo

    Year 11 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Future generation hello's you
  13. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread

    You get kicked out if you're not active; it's mandatory for anyone sitting there haha. And yes the number of bandwagoners is too damn high; give them a chance tho :p you might be surprised
  14. ebbygoo

    Are Engineers salaries this bad

    What I mean is what business skills should you get/course to do. I mean an engineer without business skills surely couldn't go and run a firm.
  15. ebbygoo

    Are Engineers salaries this bad

    Care to explain what this is haha. I'm interested in structural engineering but also the business side/ my ultimate goal is to be a CEO of an engineering firm lol; but I don't really get what uni course you'd do for this lol.
  16. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread

    RBB are seated cause its at Allianz All seats are ticketed EDIT: Got my family tickets away from me and my mate to sit closer to the RBB hahaha. Trying to prep my voice atm for Sunday ;)
  17. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread

    Dat lag hahaha
  18. ebbygoo

    Year 11 2013 Chit Chat Thread

  19. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. Got my tickets :D
  20. ebbygoo

    The Football Thread
