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  1. K

    Post here: photos of your HSC text books/papers/materials - PILE the image is ridiculously big so enjoy!
  2. K

    good idea for xtra marks

    Now that I think about it I should have just done Q1 ten times. Mate, you're a genius.
  3. K

    Rollercoaster Q WTF?

    What was so difficult about it?
  4. K


    History Extension is a lot of hard work for only one unit. If anything, I'd drop that. I'm pretty sure it doesn't scale that well (at least, when I put in a mark of 45 into SAM, it still doesn't count towards my UAI). You could try keeping everything and see how you handle each subject and the...
  5. K

    How to do the Radium Question (i hope im right)

    Instead of subbing in values for A and Q you can make Q=A/2 (as the question tells you Q is half of A after 1600 years). Then you get 1/2 anyway by diving both sides by A, so I got the same answer as you. Similarly, with ii), you can make Q=A/3 to get 1/3. I also got the same answer here (I...
  6. K

    Section I - Core (Pompeii and Herculaneum)

    Fuck I didn't study baths at all. Here's what I wrote: Water comes from aqueduct into baths through lead pipes, different rooms with differerent temperatures, different entrances/areas for genders (source goes here), area for excercising (e.g. weights), public toilets. Anyone wanna tell me if...
  7. K

    How many pages

    8 pages per booklet.
  8. K

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    Won't they just think of it as information irrelevant to the question and not mark it? In other exams if you write information that is irrelevant to the question they just ignore it and you don't get marks for it, they don't specifically take away marks because of it. I don't see why it'd be any...
  9. K

    Band 6 subjects

    Yes, as far as I know. I'm going for band 6 in chemistry, maths, economics and ancient history. Band 5 for english.
  10. K

    How many poems to discuss in belonging essay

    I'm just going to discuss 3 in detail.
  11. K

    A Question of Christian Theology

    Expanding on this, what does God have to gain from punishment? He is perfect, he completes himself, and therefore needs nothing we can give him. So why punish people for doing something he himself created?