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  1. IceOnFire

    Chill out people - the HSC isn't that hard

    Hi Gangles.. :D Yes, the present... :mad1: The present is giving me a headache.
  2. IceOnFire

    Study time!

    Writing notes takes up too much time..... :bomb:
  3. IceOnFire

    Chill out people - the HSC isn't that hard

    *Sigh* That's what I am afraid of. Even though I work hard and is getting pretty alright marks, I am still worried that I am going to be disappointed in the end. Imagine all that hard work for nothing.. :(
  4. IceOnFire

    How was your school day?

    My day included 3 periods + a morning period. This is the only day where I don't have maths. :)
  5. IceOnFire

    I Am Scared.

    I would love to go to uni. Can't wait for that lifestyle!
  6. IceOnFire

    How was your school day?

    I actually wasn't sleepy in class today. :) Still didn't get anything the teacher said into my head though..
  7. IceOnFire

    Assessment Marks/Ranks so far

    Lols I understand where you are coming from. No matter how good a mark you get, you always want something more, unless you get full marks of course. :D
  8. IceOnFire

    Which subject are you getting the most homework from?

    Eco and Maths. My eco teacher likes giving us lots of hw for some reason. :confused: Maths is more self studying than the teacher forcing us to do the hw.
  9. IceOnFire

    Study time!

    Yeah you get a textbook for practically every subject you got. I had to carry them all day because my school is too pov to get lockers. :(
  10. IceOnFire

    Are the Preliminary end of year exams hard?

    They are not necessarily easy, but they are not especially hard either. That is, if you studied for them. Basically if you want goods marks you have to study for them, otherwise you are screwed. Start writing your notes and studying early too, otherwise you won't have much time by...
  11. IceOnFire

    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    We are getting ours in term 2. WEEEE!!! :D
  12. IceOnFire

    how do you stay motivated??

    My method of staying motivated: Think about how happy you will be at the end of your last HSC exam.
  13. IceOnFire

    How was your school day?

    Happy Valentines Day everybody! Random cupids were running around today delivering roses... They were featured in the Channel 9 news today if anybody bothered to notice. Lols it was on for 10 seconds and it was gone.
  14. IceOnFire

    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    13yrs 4 this. Got the idea from somewhere in this forum, thanks to whoever posted it!
  15. IceOnFire

    Muck Up Photos

    We were given a 1 week notice for our photos.. Imagine having only 1 week to prepare for muck photos, but we managed somehow. :)
  16. IceOnFire

    How was your school day?

    I had my muck up photos today!! All afternoon there were terrorists, hobos, angels, etc running around. :D I won't forget this anytime soon.. heehee..
  17. IceOnFire

    Muck Up Photos

    I had my muck up photos today!! :D It was so fun and tiring at the same time hahaha... There were so many randoms there!! Such as: - A guy dressed in a chicken suit. =.= - Me as a pirate.. :) - Faries/angels. - Goths. - Curries - Where's Wally!! - A couple of martial artists. - Homer...
  18. IceOnFire


    The only thing i can read is 日本語, which means japanese. lols how ironic.
  19. IceOnFire

    How was your school day?

    Yeah muck up day!! I am having my one tomorrow. :D It's going to be excellent.. haha.
  20. IceOnFire

    How was your school day?

    Got home at noon today. :) Maths was pissing me off today... but otherwise, a pretty normal day.