Search results

  1. sca

    why the fascination?

    Actually, Graney asked. Or at least thought s/he was putting forward a rhetorical question. I'm really not that interested in knowing. I'm relatively open about sex (amongst other things, but that's the one that's unusual), so I'm generally the one people of either sex in my social group...
  2. sca

    why the fascination?

    So basically, I'm meant to assume that what goes for you goes for everybody? :rolleyes:
  3. sca

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Age: 17 Job: World Vision Display Co-ordinator Pay: approx $20 an hour, $31 Sundays Hours: casual, usually over holiday periods (suits my year 12 really well)
  4. sca

    free webspace provider

    Speaking of post2hosts... By far the best free webhost I know of is Frihost. I don't even know how to impress upon people how much better they are than anything else I've seen. No forced ads (although you're allowed to put up your own) 250mb of space 10gb bandwidth per month Php...
  5. sca

    why the fascination?

    Actually, vaginal pleasure receptors can be stimulated via the anus in some females (it's something around 1 in 5) , and yes, for many girls there's the psychological side of things. And we, as women, are in fact heavily stimulated by the psychological side of sex. So you can't just write...
  6. sca

    From Hanson to Camden: Australia’s racist shame

    Obviously there are rascist people, and even groups, in Australia, but I don't think it's moreso than in any other country. Talking to a couple European/Asian/Islamic immigrants, the general experience seems to be that seeking employment/education here is easier than in say, America, and...
  7. sca

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Given the demographics of the forum, it might have been an idea to include at least 15, if not 14, as unique ages.
  8. sca

    gay or lesbian, does it matter?

    I could've sworn there was something in the Bible about only God being allowed to judge others... and judging being a sin... and all sins being equal...
  9. sca

    why the fascination?

    I don't believe I would, no.
  10. sca

    Tips for first timers

    My advice is not to try too hard, to relax and feel free to laugh if things don't go to plan. In fact, don't have a plan. Explore each other's bodies as it feels "right". Let things progress at whatever speed feels natural. However, here are some tips. (Just don't force them into the...
  11. sca

    any alpha females on this forum???

    What do you mean by "alpha female"? That you're dominant in the relationship, or that you're capable or obtaining any guy you want? Either way, as far as I can tell most guys are looking for some combination of good looks (which are subjective), confidence and normality (that is, girls...
  12. sca

    Are they real friends?

    Is this a real poll, or a covert means of whinging about the way one of your social circles has been acting? (toward you?) Assuming it's a real question, then I think in Australian society putting down your friends as a token of affection is a part of our culture. That said...
  13. sca

    Is Facial Hair Sexy?

    It depends on the guy. I love it when my boyfriend just has enough stubble for it to be rough on my skin, however wasn't quite so sure of the sideburns he had going for a while. I think he wants a beard when he's older... but he'll have to grow it before I know wether I like it. Looks great...
  14. sca

    why the fascination?

    Usually because it's a tighter oriface, or out of curiosity in trying something new. ...or because you're making an assumption based on a handful of guys, whilest ignoring the equally large handful of girls whom enjoy it.