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  1. shanti96

    Favourite Movies.

    Anyone watched the quiet? really good!
  2. shanti96

    the OC

    The music on the show is great. I found that main thing drawing me to it.
  3. shanti96

    police radar detectors!!

    How the hell do you get one of these?
  4. shanti96

    Enrolment Day

    hehe thnx You could say that I'm...well.... socially retarded lol so is enrolment or orientation a good time to start making friends? For enrolment, should I bring my mum or is everyone mostly by themselves? b/c I'd hate to be the one who brought their mum and everyone is making friends on...
  5. shanti96

    Nursing 2008 Anyone?

    ^ me too....the only thing bugging me is the new friends factor :S
  6. shanti96

    Enrolment Day

    Great, thanks for that :) :) stress factor is lowering
  7. shanti96

    Enrolment Day

    Argh....12pm isnt that late is it for enrolment? I want to get morning classes so do you think they'll all be taken up by then? Having a panic attack right now... I get stressed easily.
  8. shanti96

    Do u cook in food tech?

    Around once a week. I didn't really see any point to it but free lunch is always nice.
  9. shanti96

    Nursing 2008 Anyone?

    ^ Congratulations! DW, I'm sure orientation day will get us settled in.
  10. shanti96

    Nursing 2008 Anyone?

    Thanks for the reassurances people! Well I'm thinking of taking up uni gym once a week...haha ive never been to a gym in my life except the school gym which was a complete crap hole. But yeah, strength is a must have in this kind of work.
  11. shanti96

    Enrolment Day

    Argh... nothing worse than waiting in a queue. Text books seems to be the most important thing to me in terms of spending money on. Do they sell 2nd hand books and is Coop bookstore the cheapest place to buy them? Also, is it worth joining that student union thingy?
  12. shanti96

    Enrolment Day

    I was going to go at 1pm Tues but decided 12pm... does it really matter which session we turn up to?
  13. shanti96

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcoming 2008 students!' Thread A little random but what is the UTS gym like? I'm thinking of joining but if its shit...
  14. shanti96

    What have you eaten today?

    My bad. Large Easy way pearl milk tea rice+chicken
  15. shanti96

    Nursing 2008 Anyone?

    Now I'm just scared. It never really hit me that this occupation could be a strain physically. Got accepted to UTS b. of nursing city... not as thrilled as before after reading that ^ lol.
  16. shanti96

    Enrolment Day

    AH ok I see it... just found the webmail thingy lol I'm so nervous about making friends... I'm not good in social settings ! Can we view our timetable yet?
  17. shanti96

    Enrolment Day

    Enrolment/Orientation/Everything Else So I think its Tuesday 29th January between 11:30am to 4:00pm at KrG Campus for Enrolment. On the day, I know we're suppose to bring 100 point ID, and maybe money for uniform. Anything else? And for Orientation day, do the city students go to the...
  18. shanti96


    Jb HiFi or ebay I'm guessing. All buffy seasons is like $220 at JBHIFI which is really cheap.
  19. shanti96

    Angel and BtVS

    S1-3 BtVS FTW. Angel would have been better if Buffy made more appearances. "I Will Remember You" eppie in Angel was awesome. Anyone watch Tru Calling?