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  1. S

    Im stuck... can ne one help me please?

    Im stuck doing revision for my Maths tutor. Heres the question: Cade invested the $5000 he won on the soccer pools in a term deposit for three months. Hisinvestment pays interest at 9.6% pa compounding monthly and the interest is credited to the account each month. a) How muchinterest be...
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    study guides?

    thanks what thread are you talking about? I still havent gotten used to BOS yet... and where everything is.....
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    study guides?

    Is it necessary to get study guides/textbooks for your subjects? especially if you are having trouble in them? or does it vary from person to person? Hannah
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    Mod Hist Better Marks

    Hi For the people who read my post about not going very good in Modern History, my marks have improved a little in the exam and in class, overall my tutor is slightly happy with the improvement. I am still last in my class but i have improved. Hannah
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    Hours to study per night

    Hmmm. My tutor wants me to atleast do a minimun of half an hour of study but now i think he wants me to do atleast two hours or something like that. Meh ill see how i go cause my exams didnt go to good so i need to do more study.
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    When do we ?

    thanks for clearing that up for me Without Wings
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    Stimulus Booklet 2008?

    My tutor told me that we do journeys this year for the hsc. and same with a few of my teachers at school said, last term.
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    When do we ?

    This may be a crap question but when do we start using the hsc boards and stuff? Next term or next year?
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    How were exam...?

    my highest mark was 25% and my lowest was 11%
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    How are 08's finding their Preliminary Year?

    Yr 11 has been hard as hell. I dont know how im gonna survive yr 12....... so much study and work!
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    Premium Membership Pictorial Demo

    Heres a question that im unsure of: If i ask my mum for the money to purchase it and i am about to start year 12 next term, do i pay $20 or $30? Its very benificial yes? if i do get it? Hannah
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    how do you record verbal notes onto MP3?

    got it and changed it but then how do i test it lol? thanks for all your help
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    how do you record verbal notes onto MP3?

    of course i did but not then lol it was a few years ago.... i was trying to copy my friends....... anyways, so would i need a new mic or would my computer one work?
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    how do you record verbal notes onto MP3?

    I have a computer microphone, does that help or not? haha i cant do a handstand cause i have a disability.... ive tried and it failed miserably.
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    how do you record verbal notes onto MP3?

    so speak into the left speaker (of cd player) and hold up my headphones into my right ear or something, yes? also what if the blank cd is a new one and it just stays on "00" is that correct?
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    how do you record verbal notes onto MP3?

    Yeah Ok thanks, i tried to put a blank cd into my cd player and tried to talk into my headphone thingy but nothing just stayed blank
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    how do you record verbal notes onto MP3?

    whilst a blank cd is in the cd player(which is my bedroom) then take that cd that has the recording on it and put it into the computer and then plug my MP3 chord into the computer? or am i totally off it.
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    how do you record verbal notes onto MP3?

    what do you mean "start talking into the speaker?" what program woould i have to go into?
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    how do you record verbal notes onto MP3?

    how can i record my voice to a cd/computer then? im totally clueless on this type of things.
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    how do you record verbal notes onto MP3?

    Hi I dont know where this goes, so if it gets moved that is ok. Ive heard/seen alot on this forum about recording your notes verbally onto an MP3/Ipod. Im still learning with my MP3, so how would i get speech etc onto a cd? cause i know how to then transfer it to my MP3 but not onto a cd...