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  1. EmeraldTempest

    environment vs. economy

    Environment vs. economy is a funny one. What is carbon trading? - fixing the environment by making Carbon Dioxide a commodity to be traded in the economy. Although in Australia we are a little way off Carbon Trading - after Penny Wongs attempt where by major corporations will be able to give...
  2. EmeraldTempest

    what do you love/hate about promininet australian politicians?

    Well the most obvious to me is Peter Garrett - fantastic man - I got to meet him at one of Rudd's community cabinets, but does anyone else get the impression that he has sold out a little bit? I mean from the days of the Oils and the ACF to today where he is the "Minister for Environment...
  3. EmeraldTempest

    Most annoying book of all time

    For me it has to be: Graham Greene's "Power and the Glory" which we read in english to link to Authority - it never goes anywhere (unless u consider circles to be somewhere).
  4. EmeraldTempest

    Animal Farm - George Orwell

    Animal farm is good, but 1984 is heaps better!! It is ironic that Eric Blair (aka Orwell) considered himself to be left of centre on a political scale, yet at the same time he insults his moral belief in the books. Enjoy animal farm and if u get the chance read 1984!