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  1. mreditor16

    Latin Extension Thoughts

    Our top-ranked student found the first unseen medium difficulty and the second unseen high difficulty. okay thanks meggs :) no worries :D
  2. mreditor16

    Are state ranks based purely off of external results?

    basically, the explanation of "ranks only matter, relative gaps between students doesn't matter" is simply a watered-down explanation to make people struggling to understand the easy parts of the process in the first place actually understand. what really happens is that the relative gaps are...
  3. mreditor16

    Latin Extension Thoughts

    thanks meggles for the reply :) okay so it was an across-the-board issue, so what will separate everyone is how bad we did in the unseens section, because the range of marks for the previous sections will be small, because the seen and comment was reasonably straightforward... nope defs not...
  4. mreditor16

    Are state ranks based purely off of external results?

    Q. Are state ranks based only on externals? A. I wish. I really do wish it would have been so haha more seriously, basically what D94 said, he's always on the mark with such matters :)
  5. mreditor16

    replied to you on the Latin 3U thoughts thread. am keen for your reply to my reply :)

    replied to you on the Latin 3U thoughts thread. am keen for your reply to my reply :)
  6. mreditor16

    Latin Continuers/Extension 2014

    Thanks meggles good luck to you too :)
  7. mreditor16

    2014 Extension 2 BOS Trial Exam Discussion Thread

    I have a bet riding on the results. Besides #baulkosw4g - so keen beans to see how the Baulko peeps fared up against the hothouses that showed up and did the exam.
  8. mreditor16

    Latin Extension Thoughts

    meggles meggles meggles, hi :) thanks for responding. I really wanted to hear a perspective on the paper from someone besides people at my school. it's good to know my cohort wasn't alone in feeling that about the exam. out of curiousity, how did the top-ranked person (or people) at your...
  9. mreditor16

    2014 Extension 2 BOS Trial Exam Discussion Thread

    haha no worries carret.
  10. mreditor16

    okay. no worries. will do some asking around then, after results come out :D

    okay. no worries. will do some asking around then, after results come out :D
  11. mreditor16

    yep Immortality is baulko. so was esaitchkay, tomnomnomnom, mirachel.

    yep Immortality is baulko. so was esaitchkay, tomnomnomnom, mirachel.
  12. mreditor16

    and just clarifying, no-one from baulko beat your original score right?

    and just clarifying, no-one from baulko beat your original score right?
  13. mreditor16

    it's Immortality, isn't it?

    it's Immortality, isn't it?
  14. mreditor16

    aww yiss. I have a good idea of who it is. Can I have one guess? :lol:

    aww yiss. I have a good idea of who it is. Can I have one guess? :lol:
  15. mreditor16

    so you've been beaten? :O

    so you've been beaten? :O
  16. mreditor16

    Latin Extension Thoughts

    nope I'm being legit. it was that hard :/ last year, 42 aligned to 46, so here's hoping....
  17. mreditor16

    Latin Extension Thoughts

    20 marks. and the paper is out of 50 :/ yep hoping aligning will assist :) yep moving on. time to do some maths btw best of luck for pdhpe tomorrow :)
  18. mreditor16

    lol are we still going through with the bet on a baulko person beating you in BOS 4U trial after...

    lol are we still going through with the bet on a baulko person beating you in BOS 4U trial after you minus 10 from your result? :D how the hell are we going to figure out if it had happened or not lol? :lol:
  19. mreditor16

    Latin Extension Thoughts

    gg looked up the translation for the unseens. got everything wrong. will be lucky to scrape 50% for the unseens :/
  20. mreditor16

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    but do I need explicit reference to it? :/