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  1. scaredytiger

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    I prefer to think 'lack of intelligence'.
  2. scaredytiger

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    Planning to answer my previous question?
  3. scaredytiger

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    Because the gamers themselves hate you for rage-quitting?
  4. scaredytiger

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    where'd you fail, slut?
  5. scaredytiger

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    Really short hair. Pretentiousness without irony. Weak jaw line. Skinny boys. Guys shorter than me. Prejudice. Stink. Guys who are too much work. Possessiveness. Lack of humour. Lack of intelligence. And other things, cbf continuing.
  6. scaredytiger

    Girls: Can you usually tell if someone likes you?

    Imo it depends on both the girl and the guy. Some guys are very obvious about it. And some girls are clueless. However, these are few. Often it depends on the girl's personality - if a girl is a reserved tomboy, guys are less likely to flirt with her. A girl who is confident and flirty is more...
  7. scaredytiger

    girls would you sleep with fat guys?

    Hey so, are you taking so long because you're editing?
  8. scaredytiger

    girls would you sleep with fat guys?

    I find heaps skinny guys weird. That said, I wouldn't date someone who was like... overweight.
  9. scaredytiger

    What type of family

    moved out.
  10. scaredytiger

    Iv'e forgotten how to write a narrative

    Narratives are linear, as a general rule.
  11. scaredytiger

    Iv'e forgotten how to write a narrative

    Find a specific scenario, use idiosyncratic elements, and meld it to belonging. Don't be afraid to cut it - especially the beginning and the end; as a general rule, people tend to introduce their story very weakly, and end with unnecessary summing up. The idea is show, not tell. This means...
  12. scaredytiger

    Iv'e forgotten how to write a narrative

    Use paragraphs and sentences.
  13. scaredytiger

    confused. need help! what to do in life????

    Learn to think for yourself, or don't go to uni.
  14. scaredytiger

    Sex ed

    because you have no first hand experience, right?
  15. scaredytiger

    "Student website bans anti-Semitic Group"

    lol. "hacked into". what did they hack into? the mainframe?
  16. scaredytiger

    How Happy Are You With Life?

    Pretty happy. Would be better if I didn't wake up to an empty house. Figures, out of maybe... 5 days a year, one of them is Christmas. Oh well, two Christmas parties today, so it's just a slow start.
  17. scaredytiger


    lol Viva Pinata. I watered the leaf chick heaps and then she confiscated my watering can. It is surprisingly involved. Nevertheless, I prefer real games. And yeah, it is ridiculous that L4D2 is RC because our rating system is fucked. I want my gore, goddammit.
  18. scaredytiger

    The beliefs of BoSers...

    Not really, T just comes before U.
  19. scaredytiger

    The beliefs of BoSers...

    BBJ, you're a closet Jew.