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  1. Enteebee

    Death of music as an artform and as a the strongest communicative language we have.

    Re: Death of music as an artform and as a the strongest communicative language we hav It's a question which flows directly from the paragraph before it. My point is that something can be art without having differentiated its self much at all.
  2. Enteebee

    Death of music as an artform and as a the strongest communicative language we have.

    Re: Death of music as an artform and as a the strongest communicative language we hav I think another big problem is somewhat that you think there's a difference between saying 'music is dead' and 'music as an artform is dead'. I personally think that music would be an artform even if all we...
  3. Enteebee

    sharemarket discussion thread

    U sure u don't wanna um... mention a little something to me about um... any companies whose books u might be looking at there ashy pal?
  4. Enteebee

    sharemarket discussion thread

    Sounds good man, where's your growth mainly coming from?
  5. Enteebee

    Death of music as an artform and as a the strongest communicative language we have.

    Music is better than ever because anyone can get into it these days. To decry a layman's ability to participate in music and share it with others these days because you don't like the music they're producing just smacks of utter elitism. In general, to respond to your claim that there are 'no...
  6. Enteebee

    Turnbull new opposition leader

    To be completely honest I have little respect for Costello, though I do think he was ripped off by Howard. His steadfast claims that he was "going to be around for a long time" when he thought he was going to be handed the leadership under a Howard victory turned out to be an utter lie when it...
  7. Enteebee

    Turnbull new opposition leader

    He has drive.
  8. Enteebee

    Turnbull new opposition leader

    Nelson seemed to be a continuation of the old government. Nothing changed and imo nothing ever would have because he was a tried and true member of the former government that really towed the party line.
  9. Enteebee

    Turnbull new opposition leader

    I feel sorry for Nelson, he's a good, smart guy but I never could see him becoming PM. Will be interesting to see his cabinet... I predict a better position for Christopher Pyne.
  10. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    Belief in the natural is needed in order to interact with the world. I cannot suspend belief in the natural. Clearly, there are people who can function without belief in the supernatural. It seems apriori more valid based on this necessity. To live is to have subjective experience of the...
  11. Enteebee

    Sharia Courts in Britain

    sigh... these are arbitration tribunals... they are basically like judge judy...
  12. Enteebee

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Unilaterally? As in without first asking the Pakistani leadership if they may do so? No.
  13. Enteebee

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Citation? Obama has said he'll unilaterally invade the fairly fragile and nuclear armed Pakistan if he had information as to his exact whereabouts there.
  14. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    Just to sumarise the argument as far as I see it for people reading along and so Brad can more easily engage with it... I see our current discussion as this. Brad: It is reasonable to accept a supernatural explanation for the beginning of the universe as there is currently no solid natural...
  15. Enteebee

    ejculating before an hsc exam

    You know that empty feeling after you masturbate? That feeling that 'nothing matters' anymore? Do you really want to go into something that's so important to you not caring?
  16. Enteebee

    in "lamb" :|

    The idea of a free society is that you can express yourself, even if it pisses someone else off.
  17. Enteebee

    Liberals win WA state election

    Agreed. State politics is for losers. the end.
  18. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    I accept that if we already know the supernatural exists then positing a supernatural explanation for the beginning of the universe is acceptable. If you believe you've had a subjective experience which has proven the existence of the supernatural to you then what can I say? The best I can say...
  19. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    If that's what you're resting your argument on then you're really resting your argument on their subjective experiences. Sure if people already 'know' the supernatural then they have no problem carving out the supernatural for God at this point in time where there's no naturalistic argument...
  20. Enteebee

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    No evidence at all that he was forced, though I found the excerpt from his myspace read out fucking funny... "From Levi Johnston's MySpace page: On his MySpace page, Johnston boasts, "I'm a f - - -in' redneck" who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes. "But I live to play hockey. I...