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  1. funkshen

    andrew bolt GUILTY

    in before someone addresses Lentern's ends justify means slippery slope
  2. funkshen

    andrew bolt GUILTY

    [citation needed]
  3. funkshen

    andrew bolt GUILTY

    that dictionary is an arm of the anti-white agenda
  4. funkshen


    Bunch o' youthes talking about weight problems. I guffaw at the absurdity.
  5. funkshen

    andrew bolt GUILTY

    racial realists get it right you stupid wop
  6. funkshen

    andrew bolt GUILTY

    i disliked him before it was cool
  7. funkshen

    women on the frontline

    so cosmo, what you're arguing for is a clone army. p.s. your next account name should be cesare lombroso
  8. funkshen

    Speed of Light broken: Massive implications for Science

    Re: Einstein's going down, physicists! that's why scientists increased the speed of light in 2208.
  9. funkshen

    Australian Muslims threaten Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    as good muslims all we can do is pray that the djinn torment her day and night until she renounces her sinful ways
  10. funkshen

    which language

    don't do hebrew
  11. funkshen

    Australian Politics

    what about tony rabbit
  12. funkshen

    $60b wiped off market

    only if you're a wastelander
  13. funkshen

    $60b wiped off market

    water will be the currency of choice post-apocalypse
  14. funkshen

    BBC's drastic political correctness move

    that means that lonelywolf is political correctness
  15. funkshen

    BBC's drastic political correctness move

    onward christian soldier
  16. funkshen

    BBC's drastic political correctness move

    it's almost like the BBC is an international news broadcaster catering to many different market constituencies, including some in which christian terminology is completely anomalous
  17. funkshen

    $60b wiped off market

    it's all part of the plan. divert attention away from internal troubles through pan europeanism
  18. funkshen

    $60b wiped off market

    well that certainly isn't going to happen. besides, removing greece and italy from the eurozone is no panacea. it would just make them someone else's problem (their own). while that idea certainly has merit, it's a rejection of the european project. italy and greece were both basketcase...