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  1. scaredytiger

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    hes boring and arrogant. also, hes deluded.
  2. scaredytiger

    If English was not compulsory...

    less retarded people would take it, so yeah.
  3. scaredytiger

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    so you still like them? beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  4. scaredytiger

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    im sure michael did too.:rolleyes: i sorry.
  5. scaredytiger

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    LOL. also, emytaylor, is your hometown casino? if not, you may like to move there.
  6. scaredytiger

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    can be hot, if justified and done at least partly in the name of irony.
  7. scaredytiger

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    creepiness is pretty unattractive. clingyness. lack of hygene. seriousness. cruelty. bogan-ness. stupidity. and guys who steal their sisters hair straightener, eyeliner and jeans... ugh.
  8. scaredytiger

    Physics Trial

    i think my 3 assessment marks are like, 53%, 57% and 71% its my worst subject too, and the only one that really scales well.
  9. scaredytiger

    Physics Trial

    so, who else is freaking?:wave:
  10. scaredytiger

    General Maths Paper Tomorrow..

    i know i did case studies. but i dont... remember them.
  11. scaredytiger

    General Maths Paper Tomorrow..

    i havent even looked at art yet. i dont know anything about what im going to do.
  12. scaredytiger

    General Maths Paper Tomorrow..

    art and drama are both 1 1/2.
  13. scaredytiger

    General Maths Paper Tomorrow..

    i should get my calculator. and remember what the difference between the "+" sign and the "-" sign is.
  14. scaredytiger

    Relationships & HSC

    yes, my consensual relationship with my boyfriend, who is pretty much the best person at helping me keep things in perspective, is going to ruin the economic state of the country. i wear a burqa to keep myself for his eyes only. is that wrong for me as a white person?
  15. scaredytiger

    Relationships & HSC

    lol. just LOL. especially the last statement.
  16. scaredytiger

    Can someone guide me in subject selection please...

    a lot of universities that use music as a prerequisite require music 2, not music 1, from memory. i would definitely look into entertainment as well.
  17. scaredytiger

    Thoughts on Paper 1 of the CSSA Trial Exam

    did A B C of section 1 then did intro + body of section 3 section 2 D E of section 1 conclusion section 3 5 minutes of waiting. woo.
  18. scaredytiger

    wearing the pants

    you can get stuff that helps with premature ejaculation, you know.
  19. scaredytiger

    wearing the pants

    i prefer there to be no pants. ^_^ but i suppose in public, pants are a must.
  20. scaredytiger

    Does God exist?

    Christianity seems to be a little patronising to their God-figure. Like he is some sort of tantruming child who is angry because of the faults he made in the people he created, and blames humanity for his mistakes.