I just decided to quote an out-of-context Bible passage, lol. :hammer:
So, what was your point in making a thread about homosexuality, homophobia, and anti-homophobia and/or tolerance for homosexuals?
... I was thinking...
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. :rolleyes:
Dude, there's always something to eat into the once-extant, now-non-existent leisure time, such as institutionalised education.
I've tried to read a little more this year.
Linux is best for servers. It's like, you're hardcore for using Linux, but you're also an computing anarok/geek and a gianormous faggot.
Is the new Macbook on this page:
Cuz aesthetically, it doesn't look all that shit.
Prizoner of Azkaban, since I stopped reading after Goblet of Fire.
There must have been some good reason why I stopped.
Oh... yeah, I didn't have the OotP. :rolleyes:
They have Islam/Muslim Heaven.
The judicial system laboured the point of condemning these cunts, and it proved to be a slow, arduous process.
What justice is there, anyhow?
I don't care.
I think I thought about that, but got incredibly lazy. That, and I planned it to be, 'sorry, thanks, bye forever', not 'fuck you and die, have a nice life, and I hope never to see you again'; regardless, as I said, I got incredibly lazy.
But what if you don't know what their schedule is like, and you don't talk anymore?
What if you don't know whether you'll ever be together again - like, in the very rawest of senses; I could be overseas, and they could be interstate.
Thanks, btw. :)