In light of all the medicine topics, I decided to post another one of my own.
I've been reading from various sources that Dentistry graduates (back in 2002 at least) were receiving $52,000 a year, whereas medical graduates received only 45k per year! I think that's changed, could someone look...
Issit recommended that we use this mode of transport? Issit reliable? Issit secure? :rolleyes:
Who actually uses Warrabrook station?
I'm thinking about coming back to Sydney every Friday afternoon/evening via this station. Perhaps go back to Newcastle and swap trains to get to Strathfield...
Did everyone finally realise RFTG is one of the shittiest electives ever made?!
Well to be fair, it wasn't that bad - I studied a lot towards the end and it apparently paid off - but it wasn't easy.
You really had to read things that weren't stated in the syllabus, such as reading up on...
Ok, I need a show of hands here. Who's interest in VetSci at the one and only Usyd?
Because there's only 70 HECS places of which only 45 are available to us school leavers!!! Then there's like 25 or something full fee entry places, (which will probably increase...bastard government...)
I came across this question in the 2001 CSSA trial. It was the very last question.
Basically, you have the vowels in a circular disk and a pointer at the centre is spun. The question is what is the number of turns required to have a 99 % chance of landing on at LEAST one E.
I get the...
I don't understand JJ's experiment. What was the significance of equalling the magnitude of the magnetic/electric fields to make a single beam of cathode rays?? Why not just measure the defection of each, individually?
Furthermore, what is the significance of the charge-to-mass ratio? Does...
If you look at a graph of photocurrent (emitted obviously during the photoelectric effect) VS stopping/retarding voltage, you'll find that the photocurrent (under the constant light frequency) is constant upto a critical stopping voltage where it just falls to zero. (you may find this graph in...
This is a weird one...
8.78 = p^-(0.546 + 0.043logp) that log is base 10 by the way.
Solve for 'p'.
Now that's just the way it was presented to me and I don't have a definite answer, but then again, I don't even know how to do it myself.
Where does one start with this question???
I was not present the day my class did the accelerometer experiment. I get the gists of what they did, but I don't understand how an accelerometer can show/distinguish inertial and non-inertial frames of reference.
Could someone please explain?
How exactly did Einstein disprove the existence of the aether in his thought experiment about the light-speed moving train?
Yes I know you can't detect your motion on a train, nor can the light be perceived to go twice the speed of light in any frame of reference.
That still doesn't...
What does it mean to bring the past to the present in the context of Heaney's poems? Furthermore, I'm having troubles ascertaining the link between the poems Punishment, Funeral Rites and Tollund man and the idea of retreat from the global to the local. That is, I can't exactly identify the two...
I did this experiment to find the concentration of various ions in a water solution as part of an independent investigation.
It's kinda tricky with PO4 ions because of the 3- valency. This is because (in the experiment I did), I formed a compound of Barium Phosphate, meaning my end...
This was in the 4 U test at my school, but it's more harder 3 U work.
How many ways can you arrange 6 letters taken from the word AUSTRALIA?
I got a fair idea of what the answer is, but I'd like to see what the rest of you think.
I have a water sample from my local creek.
Now basically, I have to somehow quantitatively find the % composition of heavy metals in the sample.
I've filtered out the large impurities. I've added the nitric acid and sodium sulfide. The precipitate of various heavy metal sulfides have formed...
What are the different ways of explaining weightlessness experienced on an elevator?
I have a vague idea from last year, but I forget and I'm sure there's more than one explanation.
What properties should I look for when comparing 2 ceramics when heated.
What would be the resultant outcomes of heating these ceramics with reference to these properties?
Any ideas?