Search results

  1. C

    Space Research Assignment.

    I've started researching the nasa site as well as and can't find enough info on the problems overcome by spacecraft during reentry into the atmosphere. Could someone provide some input, preferably a good site?
  2. C

    Wonderland Excursion!

    Soon my cohort will be travelling to wonderland for physics for the space topic. Has anyone been on a similar excursion to Wonderland? If so, what did you do as far as physics goes?
  3. C

    Probability query.

    If you get a question that goes something like, "If a die is thrown twice, what is the probability that the sum of the outcomes will be 7?" Is there ANY WAY to possibly do this without drawing up a table of possible outcomes? I mean a MATHEMATICAL WAY!! No tree diagrams, no diagrams period. Anyone?
  4. C

    Reduction Potentials...

    When you're over worrying about your exam in what, 3 weeks is it, you may like to explain to me what the reduction potentials mean (i.e. Eo value). I mean, I know they're a measure of "electron volts", but this still means nothing to me. For example, what does it mean for Lithium to have the...
  5. C

    Gravitational Potential Energy.

    I just don't get how Ep can be negative. So far I understand that as you move further away from the source of gravity, tending to infinite, the Ep will tend towards 0. But in addition to my misunderstandings, I can't quite grasp how an object gains gravitational energy as you displace it up...
  6. C

    Types of change...

    Well I've just started this year 12 advanced english course and I have a few questions. Different advanced classes at my school are studying different types of change. 2 (inc. mine) are studying change in self and 1 is studying change in perspective. Now my teacher didn't explain this...
  7. C

    Australian Business Week

    A while back, I received a scholarship for the Australian Business Week State Program 2002 at Sydney university and it was damn worth it - even though I didn't do business studies. Both year 11s and 12s can apply for it if it is offered at your school. Although current year 12s probably...
  8. C

    So how about that biochemistry, aye?

    Pretty boring elective aye? Well I wouldn't know, because I'm starting year 12 next week. Could someone who's doing it tell me how it is? Is it short? Is it easy? Is it cool? I've looked in the books, it looks like a lot of memorisation. Input please? (or have all your schools gone the...
  9. C

    Here's a listing of language/visual techniques I compiled...

    For visuals, you can comment on... 1) body language (a downcast head to represent sadness or disappointment for example) 2) contrasts in colour - in more detail, you can comment on symbols, such as black or dark colours representing dark concepts such as sadness and white or bright...
  10. C

    A few questions.

    1 ) I know this is a trivial question, but the SDD syllabus is picky and stupid, so meh. Do the programmers actually partake in the 'planning' stage? I mean I thought they plan algorithms during that stage? Some sources disagree there. 2) Also, can someone explain to me what boundaries...
  11. C

    Retreat from the Global. What does it mean?

    I'm just about to start year 12 extension english and we're doing that elective. What exactly does it involve? I've seen Castle many times, how are the concept and the text linked? -CHUDYMASTER-
  12. C

    Derivation for Simpson's law.

    I posted this on the temp forums but that place got trashed so here it is. Can someone provide me with a GOOD explanation of how Simpson's law was derived? Also, I find it hard to believe that Simpson was a soldier who had nothing better to do with his time in the trenches than mathematics...
  13. C

    Please explain.

    I created an account on the and now i get the message, Please go to or to go back to the normal server thank you I asked a lot of questions on that board which went unanswered, what's happened to it? I hate these...