Just in case you people haven't seen this around, A-trak (Fool's Gold Records, was Kanye's DJ for a bit) has made his latest album Dirty South Dance 2 available for free on Bandcamp. Pretty solid mix, it's essentially dirty south rap accapellas over mainstream electro.
Hey guys what facial cleaners, moisturizers etc you find works best? Atm i'm using nivea for men but was wondering if there was anything better out there (I've got oily skin and susceptible to pimples).
Hey just wanted to know how you guys do your hair because this is still a new thing to me, I've decided to grow it out for a while. I'm half aussie/half asian and my hair is a very dark brown, as well as being very straight. It's not that long right now, but it's still very thick and flat atm...
Hey guys, I'm really interested in this girl that I've known for a few months now. I was planning on asking her out soon, but there's one thing bothering me...
Why won't she let me see tagged photos of her on her facebook? Do you guys know what I mean by this? Essentially if you go to the...
Hey guys, would value some input. I work at a retail store where I only get a few shifts that are like 4-5 hours long. I'm on uni break right now and I'd appreciate the extra cash so I was wondering what a good second job would be to pick up. I used to work at a grocery store as well but it got...
Roughly. Would you say 15-20 hours? Or is that too much, because that's what I have my current limit set at. But i'm not too sure because I've just started up Uni again and have switched to an Bachelor of IT.
Does anybody know much about this course? And the majors? I was considering doing Networking but now I'm thinking of maybe switching it to eBusiness? I'm not so sure. I really liked IPT in High School but I didn't like SDD too much at all.
Hey guys, my room is starting to become a mess because I haven't thrown anything out yet on account of my sister who I could probably pass on some of this work (possibly). But what should I keep and what definitely needs to be thrown out? Here are my subjects:
English Advanced
Hey guys, for my related material I'm using propaganda and I have a specific one here that I want to ask about.
Propaganda Poster
The text up the top where it says - "U" are wanted... - is that a pun?
Oh and if you have any other techniques that you would like to point out that would be...
Hey guys, I'm going pretty well in my HSC but I was wondering, if I want to do my best, should I have more than the textbook that the school prescribed to me?