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  1. M

    Legal- Anita Cobby Case !!! Assesment... Urgent

    AHH LEGAL ASSESMENT.... have an assesment duee in 2 days and will be much appreciated if ANYONE can help out.. need to know what changes have occured in legislation since this case, and an evaluation of d efficiiency and effectivness of legal system in achieving justice for victim, accused...
  2. M

    Hatshepsut..power And Influence

    HEYY,. im doin an essay on hatshepshut aand we need to asses the basis role of hatshepsuts power and influience.. i was wondering whether or not u guys can give me a help with it... i dunno what to write..merci
  3. M

    tess of the d'urbervilles..plzz help

    hey.. im in adv english and atm were studyin "TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES' we have an assess 4 english which id appreciate if any1 can help... we have to choose a theme from the novel and trace the developments of the theme and we have to illustrate them using 1 or 2 characters..... i noe we can...
  4. M

    Tess of the d'Urbervilles- plz help

    heyy... im in yr 11, n i do adv english.. and right now were studying tess of the d'urbevilles, and we have an assessment, where we have to find a theme, and illustrate the development of the theme using 1 or 2 characters. Like we can do a collage or a poster, and i was wondering wheter anyone...