I know there's been similar threads on this, but I have my own specific questions.
I'm so confused; I'm doing my first semester of arts with a major in psychology, and I want to change my major to primary teaching, but I don't know whether to apply to transfer for the spring semester or next...
ITT: Post everything you can think of that annoys you.
-My retainer
-Trying to read stuff written in the 1700s
-Being in the same bus as schoolkids
-Next door neighbour's drunken karaoke nights
-People who don't know basic spelling & grammar
-People who have 1000+ Facebook friends
-When a FB...
I'm doing my HSC this year, and I'm still not too sure about what I want to do if I get into uni.
I've been considering psychology and journalism, but what I'm really drawn to is social work.
What I want to know is, is social work a worthwhile career? It has a low cut-off UAI at most unis...