Do most people doing a combined law degree attend two ceremonies - one at the end of the first degree (e.g. B Business) then attend a second ceremony for the law degree?
If I was to only go to one ceremony at the end of the whole combined program would I just attend the ceremony for law and...
Is there somewhere in Sydney where I can buy law books from? I don't want to buy online and the book is not stocked at the coop at uni... I wonder if has a retail shop in syd?
I'm having a bit of trouble with this subject - it's very boring and the info isn't sinking in. Therefore I've been thinking about buying "Butterworths tutorial series - land law" or "Butterworths questions and answers - property law". I can't afford both, so which one is more useful in...
Are people doing a combined business/law degree able to apply for summer internships in their 2nd or 3rd year for business jobs? The way the combined degree is organised means that I actually finish business within 3 yrs and can graduate from it and continue with law or drop it altogether...
I'm in 3rd year uni now doing the standard 4 subs (of a 5yr combined degree) and I've been working 3 days a week, 8am-5pm on the days I work. I'm always tired and don't get much free time anymore these days. Do all uni students do this? Coz I'm thinking about quitting my job to get some more...