The state rankings that are published in the papers, is what I mean. Is it based on the raw marks in the exam, or a student's overall hsc (after scaling/moderating etc). Thanks :)
I've had a close family member that suffered health problems and will pass within the next day or two. The health problems began around one week ago, and has since been a very hard time at home and with family. I initially didn't want to fill in any forms, but the school insisted that I do, so...
I'm not that familiar with how the assessment mark is changed after my school sends it off but I've got a couple of questions.
Firstly, in Legal studies, I'm coming first with an overall assessment mark of around 88, but I know my teacher is an extremely hard marker (in the trial, where he...
Now that I've gotten my trial results, anyone want to predict my ATAR. I guess I'm aiming for low-mid 90's. Here are my trial results (CSSA papers), my trial rank, and overall assessment rank
English (Adv)- 92/105- 2/49 in trial- 2nd overall
Maths- 105/120- 2/13 in trial- 2nd overall
My teacher has given us a series of question on shelter, but there's one I can't find an answer for.
Q: How are borrowers protected?
The only thing I was thinking that in an equitable mortgage, where equity can take over, but I'm not sure if that's the answer
Thanks for the help!
Edit: i...
Generally, most books have a U or horseshoe shape, but in the prac test our teacher made as use a nail. So here is my question-- does the shape of the soft iron core affect the generation of a voltage in the secondary coil, and the threading of magnetic flux through the coil??
I'm having issues sketching the graphs,
Ex, given a displacement graph, I wouldn't really know how to draw the velocity graph.
Anyone have any tips/ pointers, thanks :)
Just got my results back, my school is ranked in the 190's last year, and the 150's the year before
English (adv) - 2/60
English (ext 1)- 4/12
Physics- 2/5
Maths- 2/15
Maths (ext 1)- 2/5
Legal- 1/15
IPT- 2/19
Thanks.... I'm hoping for low 90's
From my understanding 'IPT' by Sam Davis is the only text book to cover the new syllabus. However, it doesn't specifically describe some points from the syllabus such as
From Chapter 1, Project management
(understanding the problem)
"- analysing the existing system by determining how it...
Hey guys, I'm thinking about doing the picture book by Jeannie Baker called "Belonging" as a related text to "The Immigrant Chronicles" by Peter Skrzynecki. I know what I want to say about belonging (and choosing a not-so-similar text was deliberate), but I need help with the analysis of the...