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  1. S

    2 weird questions, HELP!

    well, at least i found them weird. ok the first one is : Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of various legal measures in achieveing justice in one criminal justice issue. ok thats the question. but i have another question. what is the difference between a legal measure and a non legal...
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    Dalai Lama defends Islam shock horror!!!! he must be wrong. what do you think?
  3. S

    Schapelle Corby: Innocent or Guilty- Your final verdict

    well in light of the very insightful program on channel 9 today, i just wanted to know what everyone thinks of schapelle. is she innocent or guilty? does she know who did it? was her family involved? also, offer you theories on what really happened. btw who ever watched the program, was it only...
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    Option Topic! Please Help

    hey im doing legal studies (at the moment i don't really like it that much). yeh i jus want some advice pleasee urgently. i want to know which option topics i should choose. im stuck and i dont know which one to go for. please if anyone has done legal studies or is doing it which option topic...