I've been accepted to this http://imgur.com/a/QOALB,
tl;dl (B Engineering / B Arts or B Science or B Engineering / B Science (Comp Sc))
After research (which I've should of done beforehand), I realised all I wanted to do was a B Sc (Computer Science) degree by itself.
What are my options...
I've been offered http://www.uac.edu.au/undergraduate/courses/unsw/425014.html.
I'm extremely excited about doing Computer Science, however during the application none of the programs that I can choose from contains "Computer Science".
I've created a album to help explain what I'm talking...
"Rutherford thought that if this was the case, if alpha particles were fired at these atoms, they should either go straight through or through with very minimal deflections"
I don't understand why it goes straight through. Shouldn't the alpha particles hit the atom which at the time based on the...
My brother brought the textbook last year and misplaced the CD (which contains EVERYTHING). I was hoping anyone could pass me the answers and mindmaps. thanks!
My quality of my practical reports are lower then I would like. Can anyone post/design a template for a prac report? I'm mainly worried about the results/discussion section.
Hey there!
I've been wondering if anyone knew any programs that involves student foreign exchange for china?
I am currently studying in High School and hope to experience the school culture of my homeland before I graduate to University here.
Thanks in advance!
Hey there!
During my junior years of high school I've applied for many English tutors since English was one of my weakest subjects. There has been theories and such that English cannot be tutored properly and I agree; but there has to be somewhere which really helps. The only problem I have...
For the HSC, which tutoring college would you recommend for Maths between Matrix and Harry's; and why? In addition, what are your opinions after taking into consideration of other factors such as price?
Thank you in advance!
How do you prepare for a practical exam? The teacher's told us that it's a surprise pratical. I have one for Bio, Chem and physics coming up. How do I go about this?