Hey guys,
Just got this essay question from my teach.. Looking for some advice on how to tackle it, as I'm limited to 1500 words.
"Assess the importance of the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936 and Leni Riefenstahl's film "Olympia" for Nazi propaganda purposes, both nationally and...
Hey guys,
Currently in the midst of planning a trip to Japan (wooh!) for schoolies.
Anyone else heading off there?
If so, post details and helpful hints?
I'm heading over the skiing myself and there is so many resorts to choose from!
Help always appreciated.
Cheers :)
Hey Guys,
So I'm doing my summaries for Crime 1.1 at the moment, and I have no trouble what so ever doing the "Students Learn About" column in the syllabus, but I am having more trouble answering the "Students Learn To" column of dot points ect "Describe the nature of crime".
How do you...
If anybody could help, i would be eternally grateful!
I need examples of plants for the changes in:
-physical conditions in the environment
-chemical conditions in the environment and
-competition for resources
I have examples for animals/insects, but I desperately need some examples for...