i have been accepted at macquarie uni for applied finance/accounting and i am hoping to transfer to unsw commerce which was my first preference at the end of the first year. I was wondering if it makes more sense for me to do bachelor of arts at unsw and then do an internal transfer or try to...
i have been checking out various courses at various universities. I want to enter the finance field and if not that accounting. i have heard unsw is the best university for commerce is that true?. i am also interested in macquarie because they offer a course which focuses on finance but i am not...
Assess the significance of the War of Independence to the continuing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians to 1967?
my class needs to use historians. What topics should i talk about, definetly refugees and the effect on neighboring States but i dont know what else.
Any advice
i was curious on what ranks i need to achieve if i want to get 90+ atar.
the subjects i do are:
English Advanced(78)-number of people who do it
Maths 2 unit- 53
history ext -5
school rank around high 70s
My question is To what extent was Mahatma Gandhi’s attempt to gain independence for India self-motivated, political or driven for the good of the country?
but my problem is finding sources on this i have read a couple of books on Gandhi but they aren't specific enough, does anyone have any...
my half yearlies are coming up and in the half yearlies we can prepare our essay. we have a choice of two questions which are Evaluate the view that Bolshevik power was consolidated only because Lenin modified comminist ideology in the period 1917-1924 or Was the policy of war communism a...