So I've been meaning to drop one of my courses, however I kept postponing doing it until now that I've accidentally missed the census date :/ Is there a way to still drop it? I don't mind penalty, as I accept that the fault solely lies with me. I just don't want to still be tied to it and...
I have COFA1001 right before the COMP1917 lecture, which would be fine aside from the fact that they're hosted on different campuses. The lecture is only an hour long though (out of 4 a week). Would it be fine to just skip them (every week)? How long does it take for the shuttle bus to move...
I'm doing Comp Sci/Media Arts and I can't add any of my media arts classes, even though my friend (who's just doing media arts) can.
Does this mean that I'll just solely be doing comp sci in the first semester, and media arts in the second?
Just in case you overlooked it, I'm referring to working backwards from the IEEE system. I know we went through it in class, but I'm not sure if it's something that we have to know for the exam.
I decided to use Romulus and Raimond, but my friends are like "noooooooo, you HAVE to use romulus and hora, or else you'd lose marks =_=". Which pair did you use? Should I do both? My essay is already 1100 words though xD
I used Christina for (not) belonging to place, and (not) belonging to...
I'm happy with mine :D
1st Week - English P1 (mon); English P2 (wed)
2nd Week - Mathematics (mon)
3rd Week - Physics (fri) (glorious 10.5 day break beforehand)
4th Week - SOR1 (mon); CAFS and SDD (clashing on wed)
Aside from the clash, I reckon mine's perfect. All the hard subjects get a...
I guess I'm just lazy, but I've already written over 920 words without a conclusion, so I'm afraid that I'll run out of time in the exam
So do we really need to talk about it? I was just appending it to my essay just then, but I was wondering whether or not to just scrap it altogether. It's...
I am.
I'm seriously only just finishing my mod A (F/BR) essay right now, and I've still got a bit of notes for Mod B (Hamlet) to write Dx Need to start memorising :(
On a side note, are there any hsc graduates that have time to mark my essays and creative? :)
Belonging: Romulus My Father - Never finished it, stopped at pg 160~ xD I tried re-reading it twice but I can never bring myself to finish it Dx
Mod A: Frankenstein - once; Blade Runner - twice
Mod B: Hamlet - I just watched the David Tennant movie to be honest lol. I did read prob 5/6 of the...
Would it be fine to treat a photograph like an article and predominantly talk about the conflicting perspectives that arose due to it, rather than the conflicting perspectives that are displayed on it? Will I still need to perform the usual visual analysis for the image?
Are you guys doing anything for your wallpaper to get you that little bit more motivated?
Heres mine:
Post yours!
And yes I know you're still on your ass when studying xP
Which way do you write your pseudocode? Does code-similar pseudocode have any sort of advantage in terms of marks as opposed to word-based pseudocode which can potentially reduce otherwise 10 lines of code-similar pseudocode into 1?
Personally, my pseudocode is akin to code (because of my...