Could someone please provide some guidance with respect to choosing one of the below accounting electives?
The choices available are:
ACCT3583 Management Accounting 2 (6 UOC)
ACCT3585 E-Business: Strategy & Process (6 UOC)
ACCT3610 Business Analysis & Valuation (6 UOC)
i need 1 more elective...im down to the following
which would you choose and why?
can you also rank it in terms of difficulty
with much love,
pencilcase ♥
I am buying the following textbooks:
Title: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
Author: Berk et al
APN: 9314994244052 or ISBN(Unavailable)
Title: Management Accounting Information...
I am buying the following textbooks:
Title: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
Author: Berk et al
APN: 9314994244052 or ISBN(Unavailable)
Title: Management...
what are the requirements to do an honours degree in commerce??
is it true you must mantain a disinction average and have never failed a course to get in??
as part of the commerce degree we need to do 2 general education courses,rite?
so does that mean if i've already done acct1501/econ1101 then i won't have to do anymore of the following courses,or will i have to choose an additional 2??
and are these courses known to be good for wam??
If you had to choose four courses from the following list...which would you choose?
Of those 4...please rank them in order in terms of ease (wam boosters), enjoyability,amount of hours needed to be spent (reading/general hw/revision etc.),other factors etc.
ACCT1511 Accounting & Financial Mgt...
how is the accounting mid-sem exam usually structured like?
does anyone have any past exam papers for mid-sem exams??
if you do pls send them to my email ;pencilcase_bos@hotmail.com ♥
thank you very much,you will be repped indeed...indeed :)
pencilcase ♥
I've just deferred my SA-HELP for 131.50 as in 2 weeks im going to drop 1 of my courses (which would i mean im part time) and hence would only have to pay 67.50 and didn't want to immediatly make the decision
does that mean that later,it'll say that i only need to pay 67.50?
Acct 1501--> Financial Accounting An Integrated Approach 4E (Trotman-4th Edition 2009)
Econ1101--> Principles of Microeconomics 3ED + Connect Plus (Frank Robert H-3rd Edition 2011)
Mgmt1001--> Managing Organisations & People 2ED (Custom Publication) (2nd Edition-2011/12)
Only respond if the...
when are the fees of 131.50 due?
because for part time students it's 99 and i'm nto sure whether ill be dropping soon (as the census date (without financial penalty) is 31 March and (without academic penalty) is 22nd April...
so how do they expect us to make up our minds and pay so quickly?