If a assessment tells us to write a maximum of 800 words (typed) and I go over lets say 300 to 400 words, will I get penalised? If so how many marks will get deducted since my assignment is out of 40 marks? How much am I allowed to go over the maximum?
Thanks :)
Can you guys please help me with these 4 questions from the math in focus tetbook. I spent about an hour doing these questions and my answers were wrong. Can you guys show me the work solutions to these questions as I have an exam tomorrow on geo-calculus?
For my experimental report is it necessary to list all the independent, dependent and controlled variables in a list or a table or do I state those variables if I been given an analysis question only because at the moment none of my class mates know what the experiment actually is until...
I was doing my trig homework and i have some difficulties with these questions. Could anyone please show me the full working out to these questions so i could see where have i gone wrong.
For questions 8, 10 and 48 my solutions was way off the correct answer and for question 9, I got my...
I just want to ask you guys a few questions.Firstly, the double angle formula for cos has 3 different types. How do people know which one to use? I also want to know how do you change a product to sum or differences. Lastly, do questions specifically state when to use the auxiallary angle...
Could someone please show me the working out for these questions?
1.sin3x =sin2x
2. sin2x=tanx
3. tan(a - pi/3) = -3
4. sin 4x-sin2x=0
5. cos3x = cosx
6. 3tan2x = 2tanx