What does it take to get into these degrees at ANU? How difficult are they?
It says the cut off is 99 but then says they care about extracurriculars more then the ATAR :( (I have almost no extras lol)
Anyone doing any of these degrees? What is the diffidence between them and advanced science or...
Is it possible for the student to do anything about this issue? If the school assessments are not as difficult as the syllabus allows it to be can the student do anything, i.e. talk to the teachers, etc? This is happening at my brothers school and all the students, dumb and smart, are getting...
Is it true that I have to do diffirent text types for each module? I am doing a film for aos, poetry for a, speeches for b and shakespeare for c but I want to do Franken/Blade for mod A and my teacher said I can't because this way I will have two prescribed texts that are the same type. Is that...
What does it take to get a state ranking in English advanced (Not that I want to get one but I am just curious)?
Are there any English advanced state rankers selling their essays? I would like to see their writing style, structure etc... is it like the people who want to become writers and...