I'm looking to get an ATAR of 65, but honestly I'd settle for a 50 (Macquarie Next Step)
My ranks are
Advanced English: 37/72
Ancient History: 21/46
Business Studies: 15/33
Modern Histoy: 11/14
Entertainment Industry: 1/18
My ranks dropped really hard since I screwed up the trials, they use to...
Hey guys so basically i have a test coming up soon based around the topic of Conflict in Europe in the time period of 1935-1945 and i was wondering how could i approach this Essay, It's an Inclass test split into two parts, this being Part B the extended response, using my own knowledge and the...
I know i would, Homework is mostly revision and studying is mostly revising what you have learned (at least that's what it is more me anyway) i have been back a couple of days and i already have done 3 hours of homework today which was a killer haha
Anyway, what do you guys think?:lol::lol:
I'm really worried now since I looked more into scaling and how the system works, my minimum ATAR goal is 75 but obviously Id like to get more, I didn't pick maths or any sciences which I regret, it's not that I suck at them it's just i figure I would pick subjects I could excel in rather than...
Ok so sometimes i get really bad memory with certain things, Which is what i am scared of for the HSC, basically this year since it is Year 12 i am going to pull my thumb out and really do it this year.
So right now since it is break i am using this time to do past HSC papers to kind of...