Anyone else get an email for the TSP program? If so what are your areas of interest?
Personally I put down Financial Math, Pure Math and Computer Science.
So I'm enrolling for Bachelor of Advanced Science, and just picking my electives - but I can't seem to select this subject. I'm fairly sure I should be able to as I can't see any prohibitions.
Hi all,
I'm pretty set on going to USYD and enrolling in the Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics), however I'm really struggling to decide on whether I should do a double degree or not. I am trying to either pick between Commerce or Engineering as both interest me a lot both...
Questions of the form "Scientiffic information presented in the mass media, by comparison with similar information presented in scientific journals" - where do these even come from and how can I prepare better for them? I can't find them in any textbooks but there always similar questions like...
Hi all, I have a prac test for physics coming up - what is the best way to prepare for Physics skills questions (Section 9.1 of syllabus) do you think? I have all my pracs set out and detailed but obviously these prac tests can technically be on an investigation we haven't studied... so the rest...
Hi all, my careers adviser and ANU maths professor Barry Croke recently recommended me to go for the PhB in Science, more particularly for maths. My only concern is the category of listed "olympiad achievements" of which i really have none. I participate a lot in school life and extracurricular...
Currently working through Terry Lee's text, I noticed the worked solutions provided a swift workaround for using De Moivre's theorem, having ASSUMED that it is true for all rational numbers.
As far as I have seen from the ext 2 course, De Moivre's theorem is only proved for the integer set...
This is question 19 from 9I Cambridge Maths Year 11 extension 1 text.
P is a variable point on the parabola x^2 = 4y. The normal at P meets the parabola again
at Q. The tangents at P and Q meet at T. S is the focus and QS = 2PS.
i) Prove that angle PSQ = 90 degrees
ii) prove PQ=PT
Hi everyone, I'm currently in the class of 2016 but am pretty keen on doing actuarial studies/maths in university. Maths is by far my favourite and best performing subject, and would like to continue that through for later years.
Basically at the moment I know the UNSW course is quite good...