Hey guys, I'm enrolled into Bachelor of Commerce/Advanced Studies (Dalyell Scholars) for 2019.
As i'm picking my subjects for next year, i realised that there is only 6 Dalyell credits that are business related, and to complete the program it requires 12 units to be completed. Does that mean...
Hey guys
I recently received my offer for commerce/advanced studies (Dalyell Scholars) at USYD. It allows me to select one major which specifically ties with commerce and another major in pretty much anything. I'm unsure about what i should do, as my friend from Macquarie told me that majors...
Hey guys, i felt really good after paper 1, until i heard my classmates talking about how they didn't use the stimulus in the creative writing. I had no idea it had a quote that we have to use...
So the theory is that if you didn't use the quote, the max you can get is a 6?! I didn't the two...
Hey guys, which type of inflation does monetary policy address least effectively? (Cost push, imported inflation, demand pull and inflationary expectations)
Hey guys came across a question which i couldn't figure out, would really appreciate if someone can help me out
how many different arrangements are possible if 3 letters are randomly selected from the word challenge and arranged into 'words'?
Coming to a close to my prelim year, extension maths generally went alright but the I still don't get parametrics... any tricks to these?
Until now I figured that there's a bunch of subsititutions to do, but how do you recognise them?
Hey guys!
I'm doing distance education (pretty much online learning and doing work through mailing) for economics as my school sadly doesn't offer that subject. I often go through difficulties as i don't have a teacher face to face to teach me the concepts that i'm confused about. I'm wondering...
Hey Guys:D
Just wondering how does business studies go as a subject. I highly enjoy what i've been learning in class through the last couple of weeks but i always hear about how business studies is a bad scaling subject. How's business studies comparing to economics?
Hey guys, I'm currently a year 10 students picking up Economics/Business Studies/Legal Studies/Physics/Mathematics/Advance English/Extension 1 Maths next year.
I generally do well at school but what confuses me is that i go to a very, very low ranked school. My school ranked below 300 out of...