Hi! I'm a graduate of the class of 2024 at Fort Street High School, and I'm now offering tutoring for HSC Economics. My approach is grounded in a genuine passion for Economics and a deep understanding of its complexities, which I’m eager to share with students.
My Credentials:
Ranked 1st...
hi, I was just wondering how many spots there tend to be for year 10 entry into Hurlstone and FS as im placed on the reserve list for both schools. btw is there anyone here who's currently year 9 at fort street or Hurlstone? thanks! :)
Hi everyone im working on one of the year 9 past papers from NBHS and this last section didn't have solutions included, while I've got many questions for this section. It would be SUPER helpful if someone could tell me if I got these answers right :)
17. $690.55
18. $205.80
ok i think for...
Hi if anyone gets an interview or get anything back please reply on this thread thanks. I'm applying into year 10 for Hurlstone, Fort Street and Normanhurst. All tests have been postponed (again) due to the extension of lockdown.
Hi i’m in year 9 and looking for an affordable and experienced english tutor to help me with writing an essay. preferably inner west area. i suck at writing btw
I am very confused. I think my English teacher follows the American way. Can somebody explain? I'm gonna be writing essays soon on important exams soon.
From https://www.eliteediting.com.au/avoiding-americanisms-when-using-australianbritish-english/
Quotation marks:
This is one of the most...
I go to a shitty partially selective school and whenever someone mentions tutoring(me) or does tutoring work in class(me) this kid gets very mad (i do maths one year ahead in tutoring). he gets straight A’s and has never done tutoring, according to him, tutoring is unfair and education should be...
To those who are in selective schools, going to apply for selective schools, people who just got into selective schools and people who get straight As:
What do you guys do during the holidays? Study? If so, how?
Just wondering if selective schools value their yr 10 applicants' NAPLAN results since I haven't done the yr 7 one and application close at June or July while NAPLAN yr9 results come out at mid August-september... Would I be disadvantaged?
I am currently year 8 and doing Dr Du year 9 maths but in the B class (lowest). I also did private tutor last term and now I have to choose between them. Private tutor is more like a personalised stuff and maths olympiad stuff and he sometimes gives me workbooks while for Dr Du, I just study one...
Do selective schools REALLY VALUE how much volunteering, music and extracurricular stuff students do outside of school when applying? My tutor said not really as long as you get good reports and do well in tests schools will want you, but some people say extracurriculars are important even if u...
This forum is full of people asking for tips on selective interviews lol. For people who got in, how was your reports and extracurriculars cuz I'm probably gonna apply next yr for yr 10 if I don't make selective this yr (likely).
This would mean A LOT thanks so much!
Hi all! I came to Australia from overseas in October 2019 and is currently trying to apply for a selective school for year 9. I only have one report which is from semester 1 2020.
I'm currently in Leichhardt High but not the selective stream. I am an Australian citizen.
My school choices are