wow ancient history rly sucks.. honestly i fukin hate it so much i have no idea why the hell i chose it.. who cares bout how some gay town that held gladiatorial battles , honestly i should have chosen early childhood or somethng instead of ancient.. mm emotions are running wiild baby
Hey guys lets do it!!!!
the techniques i know off the top of my head are
perspective (1st,3rd etc)
thats bout it off the top of my head! (too much creative writing has damaged my brain)
feel free to...
Hi all, omg starts in 4 days.. today is my first day of english study, and i would love to know how to maximise marks in the first two questions (short answers and creative writing) of english standard paper 1 (journeys), our teacher never really gave us any good advice..... thanks !
hey guys my hsc trials are soon and i thort id try n get some idea of what would be the best thing to write for a creative writing piece.. im thinking something lord of the rings ish .. but i think thats a bit too cliche..any suggestions?? thanks
hey guys this is my response to a possible 10 mark question a will be recieving on monday, its on akhenaten's foriegn policy. its not answering any specific question just a basic summary and why he participated in foriegn affairs etc.
I would greatly appreciate some feedback.
thanks heaps...