Found some old stuff lying around in my room that I figured I should make someone else's problem :)
Bundle 1- $15
Success One HSC Mathematics Ext 1 Past Papers Book 1992-2006
Plus these past papers:
Maths CSA 2007,2004,2003
Maths Western Region 2007,2006
Maths Trial Maths Enterprises 2007...
i know this is going to sound like a really stupid question but i have to ask, when they say the preferences close on the 6th does that mean tonight as in 3 hours time or can we still change it tomorrow?
i'm kinda thinking about tutoring prelim 2 and 3u maths and not too sure if i would be up for it grades and mark wise. i know you also need to have good communcation skills and all but you obviously need to know your stuff right? what would you guys think would be a decent hsc and prelim yearly...
i heard that they was only ever one person who actually attempted every question the in the hsc and that does not necessarily mean that s/he got very question correct. is it seriously that hard to finish the 4u paper? what do you think?
i'm not too sure if someone has already made a post on this, if so i couldn't find anything in the search so yeah
from what i hear we only need a raw marks of around 60 in maths ext 2 to get a band 6, what are your thoughts on this?
is it me or am the only one whose having a REALLY hard time finding entire art papers? the ones bos are no good since the whole paper is pretty much 'awaiting copyright' and i've already had a look on the resource section and there's nothing :(
i recently got my half yearly results for english back and was looking at my essay. i was looking at it and my teacher kind of went ticking crazy, ticking pretty much every line in my six page essay. all up there were 90 ticks for only a 13/15 essay???? do the maths and that's roughly 1 mark = 7...