Anyway, because of my excessive use of the internet throughout the HSC I was just wondering how internet useage relates (if at all) to UAIs.
For arguments sake, internet use only includes non-study use, and if you are multi-tasking i.e. on msn while doing maths homework, the internet use...
Well the four of us on laptops for the exam at my school arrived 1.5 hrs early to get them scanned. No one showed up. When they finally let us in the school had said up computers. We all showed them our provisions note saying that we could choose to supply our own. The person scanning them...
Alright, my brother has been sick for a few days. I think I have got we has had, as I feel nauseas and have a swollen throat etc. What happens if it turns out I am sick for my exams? I will attend them unless bed ridden.
Anyone got any comments on any of these courses:
B Arts (Psychology) at Macquarie [in particular]
B Education (Early Childhood Education) [considering I am male]
I want to do something to do with either education or psychology. Anyone got any recomendations of courses and unis?
Over the last 2 months my journal has 4 enteries, and only 1 in the last month.
However I have redrafted 4 times in this time, and I have all the drafts stuck into my draft scrap book. I have them annotated for changes but no reflection. In order to make up for the lack of enteries into the...
I can do them regarding policies... (I hope) and protection.
I know enough to do it for globalisation.
But when it comes to other things, I really really find it hard.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Particulary for essays regarding chapter 2? Such as things like exchange rates...
I have the trial next Tuesday.
I got 55% in my last essay.
I really don't understand ANY of the course, or even what I have to know.
How can I study it???
What exactly do I need to know?
Any help would be appreciated!
We have an inclass extended response on day 1 back. We have been given the question and have been told to address all 6 bullet points listed below in our 35 minute response.
1 of the bullet points I don't understand: Briefly explain the mechanisms involved in the implementation of monetary...
I do not want to do a plastic binding like most people who bind their work seem to do. I want to do it in leather with gold plating. Does anyone know where I can get this done? Or how I can do it with a binding machine?
If I can't do this I am curious as to the cover I can put on my major...
Remember to back up your work. Every time you do something new print it off. Don't say "it's too late at night i'll print it tomorrow" because you might end up like me and decide not to print it because it is 11:30pm. Then the next morning you wake up and try and print it - and the PC has lost...