We are doing Buddhism for Belief Systems and Surfing for Popular Culture. We are studying the country of Afghanistan for our core topic and realting this to conflict-structuralism.
What are other people doing?
Thought it might be an idea if now that the trials are well and truely over, that we could all post the different essay questions that we got so that other people (like me, who doesn't have a clue) can practice these essays.
Also, if anybody has any questions used in last years trials or...
Ok, now that I have your attention, does anybody know how we can tell what the questions are going to be in the actual HSC exam or any way in which we can obtain a copy of this exam before the day we do it?
I had my English trials last week, and I got them back on Friday. Because I didn't do very well in the King Lear section, my teacher said I have to do it again!!
I really have no idea!!
The question is: "Compare the ways two scenes could be presented and the way those representations would...
I need a copy of the Catholic Trial as soon as possible.
If anybody has a copy of this exam I would really appreciate it.
Please help me I'm in desperate need!!
Does ANYBODY have the Catholic papers for English? My school is going to use them and my trials haven't started yet.
Man I would love to get my hands on them.
Can anyone help me please!!!