Independent Trials (1 Viewer)


Aug 8, 2002
Thought it might be an idea if now that the trials are well and truely over, that we could all post the different essay questions that we got so that other people (like me, who doesn't have a clue) can practice these essays.

Also, if anybody has any questions used in last years trials or knows where you can get them from, that would be great too!


New Member
Jul 11, 2002
Yep here here, I was wondering what the King Lear Question was for the Independent Trial Paper that was just done?


Aug 8, 2002
I did catholic sorry.

For those of you that want to know the questions for the Catholic trial... will I get in trouble if I tell you?


Jul 25, 2002
Horsley, NSW
No, you can't get in trouble because all of the Catholic papers are done on the same day so they are all over. For example, our school did this year's Physics exam and our Physics teachers have already given us the CSSA 2002 Physics exam to practise on.


Aug 8, 2002
Catholic trial questions were:

Module A

Transformations- 'Transformed texts illuminate and illustrate ideas that may not be explored in the original text.'

To what extent has the new text you have studies achieved this?
Answer this question with reference to both the prescribed texts you studied.

In The Wild- How have the tensions between human aspirations and perceptions and the forces of nature been shaped in contrasting or complementary ways in the two texts you have studied?

Module B

Prose Fiction- Through fiction composers represent and readers respond to worlds that would otherwise be closed to them.
How effectively does your prescribed text represent a particular world and it's values?

King Lear- Shakespeare has the capacity to remain our contemporary. Focus on two scenes from King Lear that you have found particularly involving and consider the differing ways they might be presented to achieve particular effects.

Poetry- At the core of any poem is a desire to order and make sense of the world and our place in it. How do various readings of poems set for study explore this relationship?

Drama or Film- How does the text studied in this elective use the conventions of it's medium to shape meaning?

Nonfiction- Speeches- How effectively have THREE speakers shaped their content to suit the context and their audience?

Multimedia- ATSIC Website- Websites are frequently upgraded. You are a consultant reviewing the ATSIC website with a view to suggesting an upgrade. In your report to ATSIC comment on the website's strengths and justify any changes you wish to make.

Multimedia- Deena Larsen- Compose a letter to Deena Larsen on any two narratives from samplers. Your letter should include consideration of the advantages and challenges of these narrative structures.

Nonfiction- Jung Chang- Great suffering is the catalyst of memorable art. This statement is the title of a review of Wild Swans. Write the review in which you reflect upon some possible readings and the values implied by them.

Module C

Telling the Truth- You are the keynote speaker addressing a forum of cadet journalists on the difficulties of telling the truth.
Write the transcript of your presentation. You must refer to your prescribed text and a variety of texts of your own choosing.

Powerplay- Words are the weapons of the powerless. In the form of a series of diary/journal entries present the thoughts and feelings of ONE of the powerless from your perscribed text and from ONE other related text of your own choosing. How does she/he attempt to deal with the circumstances in which they find themselves?

History and Memory- There are essentially two types of experience: personal and vicarious.
There are essentially two types of history: individual and collective.
In an interview with the composer of your prescribed text, explore the connection between empathy and memory and the development of the individual and society.
In your answer refer to both your prescribed text and other related texts of your own choosing.


Aug 6, 2002
Hey isn't that the catholic questions for module C? Anyway we did those questions from the first two sections. I think I fucked all but the "In the Wild" question.

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