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  1. Lu Lu

    [NOT] Dumbest question ever asked [according to Lex]

    Ok to those that know the answer this will seem like the dumbest question ever asked but for those who do pathophysiology.... Is carcinomatosis/carcinosis (defined as the development of many cancers throughout the body) the same as metastasis (defined as the spread of cancer throughout the...
  2. Lu Lu

    References - can u use to many?

    I have just realised that I have used 20+ references for my sociology essay. I know that this is going to sound like a dumb question but can u over reference in an essay? The essay is 2000 words if that helps and it doesn't really look like i used that many references but apparently I did...
  3. Lu Lu

    I met Josh Pyke!

    Yay! Last Friday I met Josh Pyke at the Easter Show. For anyone that hasn't heard his music its amazing! His an Australian song writer that has resealed a heap of music thats not so well know. He wrote middle of the hill that has been played heaps on Triple J. Anyways he was really nice and I...
  4. Lu Lu

    OT students

    Hey anyone out there that does Occupational therapy. I'm just wondering how many future OT's on BOS? What uni's do you go to and what year are you in? I'm at UWS in 1st year. Has anyone done clinical placements/pracs yet and what its like? Mines in a few weeks and I kinda of don't know what to...
  5. Lu Lu

    Anatomy - cranial nerves

    Does anyone have any tips to remembering the 12 cranial nerves and other info about them?
  6. Lu Lu

    Failing & schoolarships

    Hi guys, I think I'll going to fail one of my subjects (Human medical science 3) but i'm on a schoolarship that I don't want to lose. In the scholarship info is says.... "Receipents must mainatin satisfactory academic progress (ie. pass a minimum of 50% of units attempted in Autumn or...
  7. Lu Lu

    What is emo?

    Ok so I know this guy and he was talking about emo music and I do not get what he is on about. What sort of bands go into this type? Is it kinda like punk? Please help me I have no idea.
  8. Lu Lu

    Help - clothing for uni ball

    Ok so here's the story. I wasn't going to go to the uni ball and now i have decided to go and its in like two weeks. I spent all day in the city yesterday trying on dresses and stuff and it was so bad. I swear every dress I put on looked really crappy or wasn't in my size- and that made me feel...
  9. Lu Lu

    Printer - its stuffed

    My printer just died for the second time. AHHHHHHH. Its so annoying. I just got it back today from the warranty people printed 1 page and it killed itself. I had to wait like 6 weeks for it to get fixed and spent like $50 petrol to get it to the place to fix (120km one way from my house) as well...
  10. Lu Lu

    Grade point average

    Hi everyone, I got a scholarship this year and to keep it I must have a GPA of 4.00. What does this mean and how much marks do i need to keep it.
  11. Lu Lu


    Hey guys. I have to do a refernce list for my intext info and I also want to show my readings in a bibliography. Do i have to have the stuff on my refernce list in my bibliography too? Thanks.
  12. Lu Lu

    Word Limit for OT assignment

    I'm a first year OT student doing Intro to OT and my assignment is already over the word limit and I have only just 1/2 finished it. How much can you go over the limit and does the appendix count in the work limit? Please help me!