Our female ego got ruined?
This is a controversial since female is been known as the most dangous matter to deal with. Guys always try to hide their honest feeling when confronting with the peace.
I'm personally a female 165CM/57KG/SIZE 10who is kinda over conscious about my body image. I...
shit man, I'm considering to apply for B design in visual communication i'm a non-current school leaver and I didn't upload my personal staement until today the 3rd!!! and the worse thing is that i didn't even write it down as one of my preferences! !Is there still a chance if i can get in?!
Should Terri Schiavo have die?
The Terri Schiavo saga in Florida, where a patient in a vegetative state has recently die 13days after the feeding tube been disconnected,and 15 years after the tube was first connected.
Husband Michael Schiavo claims his wife would not have wanted to live in...
Apperantly, plenty of ppl are interested in commerce/business (whatsoever do u called it). Just wondering how many of you actually into it? Do you just go for a high salary career prospective? Parents expetation? Or personal interest?
Say if I wish to do accounting for all of above reasons, any...
has any1 applied 4 it? do u know any1 do?what is themaximu bouns point?
i know therez a gal doing business in uts gets a 5 bonus points after cut-offs..
anymore ??
i'm sure many of u knew what a cadetship is, and i've done my psychometric test ato cadetship yesterday. It was damn hard!!!!!!i've never been feeling so dumb in my life..i was 2 anxious and panic 2 focus which makes me nearly cracked...does any of u have the same experience(formal candicdate...
i'm hopeless...
i was aimming 2 do something wif financial or business in uts..
but i chose the worse subjuct n da world!!!!plus i'm only doin 10 units..
esl(obiously shit).
chinese background(doesn't scale up,a little bit under average)
business service(a vet course!!!)...
i've got a assessment in next yr..any tips on dat?
The task: in the global business topic we have examined the implications of globalization on business structure, functions and management. This task asks you to relate this to a specific global business
1. Select a suitable global business...