How did everyone handle the exam? what ae your thoughts on the exam? and how well did you all go? the test wasnt bad but high focus on postmodernism i thought. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Kind Regards,
Robert 422
Okay look i know that a few out there happened to know the answers to the crime section about young people (think they did, or trully did) good for all those that did, seriously it wont affect you you'll get the full marks wont you? who cares about everyone else as log as you do/did well? and...
Just wonting to know how everyone that did Hatshepsut or New Kingdom Egyprt to the death of Thutmosis 4th or Ramesside period and minoan crete did on their questions and thier opinions on the questions fairness and format plus any general comments concerning the test. Personally i thought it was...
Okay Look i personally based on the answers provided on this site got between 60 - 70% on that test! everyone here saying they got 90%+ is giveing me a really bad impression and makeing me feel very bad about the whole hsc result in general. I am 5/38 in my school assesment and people at my...
I was wondering if anybody out there can tell me, and could briefly or provide a long response for how marks are moderated in consideration to General Mathematics. This would be greatly appreciated
Smile Based on revison of the test and...