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  1. L


    i wrote about her at karnak and then at Aketaten and showed how she played a greater political and religious role than other 18th dynasty queen consorts...i wrote about 4 pages i think
  2. L

    how easy was hospo

    we had the commerical cookery one in past test so it was ok. I did boiling and shallow frying. Wasnt too sure about the effect of the quality of nutrients though i just kinda bullshitted that bit
  3. L


    those were great questions. Best part of the exam
  4. L


    How easy was the Akhenaten section Akhenaten was the best section ever. They were practically the exact same question that i had in the trial. It was great they were totally easy.......
  5. L

    how easy was hospo

    i was freaking out cause i hardly studied but when i got in there it was the easiest hospo test i have ever done. The long answer were the best EVER!!! How does everyone think they went?
  6. L

    Who regrets choosing SOC+CUL?

    not me i love society...and my teacher doesnt have the stupidity gene like everyone elses seems to have