Search results

  1. L


    Has anyone been asking around ppl's results and feel like sum r lying?? i swear sum ppl are making up super high marks that i cant imagine them getting.
  2. L

    UAIs in paper

    hey i know all the band 6'ers were in the paper today, but when does everyones uai's come out in the paper and which paper is it??
  3. L

    2005 powerplay question

    hey what was the powerplay question last year? i heard it was really hard and really confusing
  4. L

    creative writing section

    do u guys all have short stories prepared ur gonna use? or do u jst make it up when u get in there? i hav one prepared but its less than two pages typed. is that too short?
  5. L

    does anyone do Alexander??

    what were Alexander's reationship with his army and generals Parmenio, Cleitus and Hephastion like?? i cant find it anywhere in my notes. i know he killed Cleitus and Hephastion was his lover but thats about all i know :mad1:
  6. L

    typed to handwritten

    hey i was wondering does anyone know how many words genrally u'd write in a booklet? like a 2000 word essay, how many pages would that be hand written? sorry im clueless
  7. L


    ok maybe this is a really dumb question, im already screwed in english anyway but what is a presupposition? when it comes to imaginative yourney
  8. L

    pompeii sources

    in the syllabus where it says the evidence provided by the sources from Pompeii and Herculaneum for: -the eruption -the economy etc is it actually asking us about the eruption and all the other points, or is it to talk about the sources regarding these things? if that makes sense =)