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    any thoughs would be mad

    yeah i think i could manage stuff between uni and friends famliy and girlfriend. just the whole idea of independance, moeny and a place ive never seen before scares me slightly. cheers for the help. keep it coming. kinda doesnt help that i need ot tell the people i would be living with by the...
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    any thoughs would be mad

    long story short..... should i or should i not goto uni this year i got the uai i wanted i have been offered the course i wanted (B Arts / B education @ newcastle) i have a place to stay 10 mins from the uni, for a reasonable price with a mate of mine BUT i would be coming from a school...
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    Got a g/f 1 month before schooles.. Wat do i do?

    both hards up here. your a loser, and! you make me sick. im not as intellegent as the above 2, but i like to think i have a greater knowledge about everything, besides rape and incest. i also like to think i am better in almost every way. go to schoolies, have a good time, keep your girlfriend...
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    Byron Bay 17th-24th November

    im cominog up for a night or 2 around 27thish , wit a mate an 2 mates who are chicks, not keen for e beating so i think il take that guys advice. however should be pretty mad... i rekon we will meet everbody on the beach anyway... see yous there
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    2007 Port Macquarie whos going and where u staying (my bday 26/11/89 fuck yeah)

    beaches are nice, nice people nice place
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    Schoolies at Forster 2007

    forster as in nth of taree? whythefuck would you goto forster?
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    Got a g/f 1 month before schooles.. Wat do i do?

    LOL! f*ck this guy just doesnt stop lol. but sluts, like real slut are fucked too many dicks spoil the brew if you ask me..
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    Got a g/f 1 month before schooles.. Wat do i do?

    dont be a cock i have a gf, shes in year 10, and isnt coming... and i just plan to get off face, buy alot of shit and chill with my mates (both male and female). unless you dont really like her, then break up witrh her, but me personally i wouldnt cheat on her.
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    im doing physical journeys which i thought would be easy as, oh how wrong i was. i have one story prepared that i can fall back on, but its pretty weak unless i get a question that is somewhat like this: 'write about ANY journey' so yeah. but thats for the proper responses, none of that...
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    Advice on maximising marks in english paper 1

    maaaaad chice in degree im not sure what i wanna do, but i think i applied for some degree like that, think it was B business/ B economics at newwy and similar stuff at syd/newy. but i wanna do ER and marketing. should add me on msn or something? lol
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    Advice on maximising marks in english paper 1

    im fuked i have no story and i cant think creatively its crap. but cannot wait till its over. but yeah, for the trials and other practice exams ive done, just know tech's, give examples and explain the effect the techniques have. for creative writing, have a couple of ideas, choose the most...
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    ok i am in desperate need of help. i do advanced english and i have prepared essays for alll modules and AOS, but i CANNOT for the life of me write a good peice of creative writing for P1, S2. i have done 3 so far this year and my teacher just tells me its too weak, and i should do another...
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    UAI help?

    i know this threads been done >100 times but... im tired, angry and slightly stressing, so i just want to roughly know if its possible for me to get around 80 uai. i know it all depends on how well i do,but i just want a yes or no answer here are ym ranks and rough marks business stuides 1/24...
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    Game Over

    OATH im screwed, like really im F*%KED! i do advanced english and for paper one my teacher pretty much told me to be prepared to fail, not really but i have no story and my AOS essay is crap. i stressed from year 8-11, and when yr 12, i died in the ass. my whole school did actually. i have no...
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    2007ers - What do you want to do after the HSC?

    :| i have no idea of what courses i want to do at UNI.... i know the general ideas i would like to be involved in, but further than that? I have no idea where (syd mayybe) or what the F^*K the courses are..... here are my general ideas.. 1. something to do with business management, or infact...
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    Ipod Help

    it appears that your first problem was buying the ipod.. BUT! you are not alot in that problem as i bought one, but mine completely f^*ked up and i had to get a new one. as the ipod seems to be a peice of crap, this problem would have happened to many other, so google search the problem and 10-1...
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    any one with time be able to give me some examples of values of both times, and any thing else on the topic? thanks heaps
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    general help in subjects:

    hey i was just wondering if anyone had any tips/tricks/notes they could lend me for success in Business studies, 2U maths, ADV eng (huckfinn, hamlet/ragad), ge, legal, and ipt cheers (Y)
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    Any Help Will Do!

    ok well i probably now look like a loser.. and truth be told i havent cried, but used that to add emphasis to my point... that school is hard lol but thanks heaps for all the tips, should help a fair bit....
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    Any Help Will Do!

    hey everyone. this is my first thing so forgive me for the not knowing what to do.. does anyone have any words of advice they can share with me on how to get through this last year without wanting to cry every night, and still achieve a good hsc lol (i dont actually cry every night, but it has...