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  1. K

    exam questions

    the first answer has to be D... triathlon... our teacher is a triathlete guy n we were taught that carb loading is used for endurance events that last longer than 90minutes... or something like that... umm for the soccer question... a fine motor skill uses small muscle groups yeh??? but...
  2. K

    Lear themes, brief q and the excel study book has - patiences - justice -religion - nature -madness and sight listed as themes im tryin to pick which themes 2 discuss in my assessment right this very second :) ta ta
  3. K

    King Lear Productions & Interpretations

    ahh i have an assessment atm on the same sorta thing... DRIVING ME FLIPPEN MADD!!! but i think im comparing the harlo 2007 productionv@ bondi and the movie directed by some guy called Elliot?? but still no real idea with what im doing yet** im sure this was of no help 2 ya... but heck why not
  4. K

    So... who went to see the Harlos Production of King Lear at Bondi?

    i liked it... except lear should have been crazier during the storm, he seemed to hold back and i dont think it was a good representation of how mad he is meant to become... gotta love poor tom n that giant ..............................PENISSS!!!! clever idea to portray regan and goneril...
  5. K

    a christmas carol? related text?

    hmm... i duno... but that wood b awesome 2 do a christmas carol... :S lol sorry this aint any help but i think ur idea is topz!!!
  6. K

    what school are you at?

    chester hill high woot woot go cheso!!!
  7. K

    Schoolies 2007

    hey wat do ppl no about noosa 4 skoolies??? soo is it best 2 lyk start figuring it out now 4 bookinz n stuff... crap i thought we'd have a whole year 2 figure it out lol my badd
  8. K

    07 Schoolies Call

    hey... i duno where 2 go 4 skoolies eyy... ??? is there nefin much up at noosa??? :S im not 2 keen onj surferz so yehhh....